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6 Desember 2024 12:00

Without detergent, here's how to remove soy sauce stains on white clothes so they don't leave a trace using just 1 kitchen ingredient.

This kitchen ingredient can remove soy sauce stains from clothes more effectively than detergent. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without detergent, here's how to remove soy sauce stains on white clothes so they don't leave a trace using just 1 kitchen ingredient. foto: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

Brilio.net - Food stains that dirty clothes are a problem that almost everyone has experienced. Compared to other stains, food stains are often troublesome because they are quite difficult to clean. One of the most common and stubborn types of stains is soy sauce stains.

Soy sauce, which has a thick texture and deep color, can easily stain fabric fibers, making clothes look dirty and difficult to restore to their original condition. Even after washing, soy sauce stains often leave marks. Soy sauce stains and other food stains such as tomato sauce, oil, or curry, have complex properties because they contain various ingredients that easily penetrate and stick to fabric fibers.

Oils and proteins in food can make stains more difficult to remove if not treated quickly and properly. If left too long, these stains can become permanent and ruin the appearance of clothes. To deal with food stains, especially soy sauce, you can use a trick from YouTube user yu sitie chanel when trying to clean soy sauce stains on clothes .

Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted that she did not use detergent to clean soy sauce stains on her clothes. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube yu sitie chanel on Thursday (5/12), the kitchen ingredient in question is dish soap. Well, this dish soap can remove soy sauce stains on clothes more effectively than detergent because its formula is specifically designed to fight fat and oil.

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

Because, soy sauce stains have the main components of fat and oil, so it will be more effectively removed if washed with dish soap. The method is, simply apply dish soap directly to the stained area of the clothes. After evenly distributed, let stand for 5 minutes first so that the dish soap can be absorbed perfectly into the inside of the stain. Then rinse with water.

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

Once rinsed, rub the clothes using your hands. You can also rub them using a brush to make them more effective. While rubbing, rinse occasionally using water. Shortly after rinsing, the clothes will be clean again. Now, you can wash them again as usual thoroughly to make them even cleaner and more fragrant.

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

It is important to note that dish soap does have a number of advantages. First, dish soap has stronger surfactants than laundry detergent. Surfactants are substances that help lower the surface tension of water, allowing water to more easily penetrate the fabric fibers and lift stains.

This formula makes dish soap very effective at removing oil and food residue from hard surfaces and fabrics. Second, dish soap is often used in a more concentrated form, such as rubbing it directly onto the stain. This allows for deeper penetration of the ketchup stain, breaking it down more effectively than the detergents typically used in a machine wash cycle.

Applying dish soap directly to the stain also provides longer contact time and deeper cleaning action. This video about the trick to remove soy sauce stains has been watched more than 52 thousand times. Who would have thought, there were many other YouTube users who then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most expressed gratitude for getting new, useful knowledge.

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