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10 September 2024 11:00

Without clay and tamarind, this is a powerful trick to remove the bitterness of papaya leaves using 1 kitchen spice.

Papaya leaves will be even more delicious when cooked into a favorite menu. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Papaya leaves are known for their bitter taste. However, many people like these leaves because the bitter taste is thought to increase appetite. However, there are also many who do not like the bitter taste. Therefore, papaya leaves are often processed to reduce the bitter taste.

There are several ways to remove the bitter taste of papaya leaves . One common method is to boil papaya leaves with certain ingredients, usually clay and tamarind, which are believed to reduce the sap that causes the bitter taste.

However, besides these two ingredients, there are other ingredients that are also effective in removing the bitter taste of papaya leaves. A TikTok user @yusi_zain, explains this method further in one of his videos. The method used is different, where he not only boils papaya leaves with special ingredients, but also takes some additional steps to reduce the bitter taste.

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @yusi_zain, Tuesday (10/9), the first step is to squeeze the papaya leaves that will be cooked with salt (kitchen ingredients). Prepare young papaya leaves, put them in a bowl, add enough table salt, and a little water.

photo: TikTok/@yusi_zain

Then, squeeze the papaya leaves with your hands until the sap comes out. The papaya leaves will look wilted after being squeezed, and do this process until the volume shrinks. After that, rinse the papaya leaves under running water until clean.

photo : TikTok/@yusi_zain

Next, prepare the rice washing water and put the papaya leaves in a pan to boil until boiling. Once boiling, add the squeezed papaya leaves. When boiling, also add guava leaves to further reduce the bitter taste. Boil until cooked.

photo : TikTok/@yusi_zain

Once the papaya leaves are cooked, remove and drain. You can rinse them again until clean or immediately slice them thinly to be processed into other dishes, such as stir-fries. If you want to reduce the bitter taste further, add brown sugar when stir-frying the papaya leaves. Guaranteed, papaya leaf dishes will be even more delicious and appetizing.

photo : TikTok/@yusi_zain

Since it was uploaded in March, the video has been viewed more than 1 million times, attracting the attention of many netizens. Many TikTok users have given their responses in the comments section, such as TikTok @siticholifah685 who asked, "is it really bitter, sam yus, mantaf," and TikTok @mamiyo_id who added, "it's really delicious, especially with anchovies."

TikTok @ritaistirahayu also shared his experience, "Owalah bro, I often cook ngunu iku. Boiled lek mixed with luntas leaves Yo Ra is bitter, bro." Another user, TikTok @rezagomez7, thanked him for the tips, "thanks bro for the tips... just found out how to not phitsmga shat always ngge," and TikTok @yeni6061 commented, "I'll try later, thanks."

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