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19 Juni 2024 13:00

Without citrus, here's a trick for washing dull spoons and forks so they shine like new again

Apart from exposure to hard water, corrosion and oxidation can also cause spoons or forks to turn dull. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without citrus, here's a trick for washing dull spoons and forks so they shine like new again Instagram/@kaderatupawon

Brilio.net - Dull spoons and forks can actually be caused by several factors, one of which is exposure to hard water. Water that is high in minerals such as calcium and magnesium can precipitate, causing stains. This certainly makes the spoon and fork look dull .

Apart from exposure to hard water, corrosion and oxidation can also cause spoons or forks to turn dull. Generally, the metal on spoons and forks can experience oxidation or corrosion, especially if the metal comes from high quality stainless steel. Oxidation or corrosion occurs if spoons and forks are repeatedly exposed to water and air.

Spoons and forks that are dull are often considered less suitable for use. However, did you know that spoons and forks like this can actually be changed to make them shiny like new again, you know. An Instagram user @kaderatupawon once shared a trick for washing dull spoons and forks through one of the uploaded videos.

Generally, some people will use citrus to wash dull spoons and forks. However, unlike Instagram user @kaderatupawon, he actually uses kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @kaderatupawon on Wednesday (19/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. Well, these two ingredients are very effective in removing stubborn stains, you know.

photo: Instagram/@kaderatupawon

How to use it is quite easy. First, put vinegar and baking soda in a container. Make sure the container is large and wide enough, so that the entire spoon or fork can be completely submerged.

If so, pour enough hot water. Stir for a moment. Only then insert the dull spoon and fork. Then soak the spoons and forks for at least 10 minutes so that the dull stains can come off. Apart from spoons and forks, you can also soak other dull kitchen utensils, such as knives or even food tongs.

photo: Instagram/@kaderatupawon

After soaking, this kitchen tool can be immediately removed. Compared to before, spoons and forks are shinier and shinier, you know. You can wash it again or store it straight away. However, make sure the spoons and forks are wiped or dried first when storing them to prevent rust.

photo: Instagram/@kaderatupawon

Quoting from livescience.com, when vinegar and baking soda are used together, there will be a chemical reaction that produces gas bubbles (carbon dioxide). Well, this reaction can help loosen dirt and stains from the surface of tableware, including spoons and forks.

This video about tricks for washing dull spoons and forks has been viewed more than 2,800 times since it was uploaded on June 4. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users would be interested. Some of them even responded directly in the comments column.

"My spoon has rust spots and the color is also a bit black. I don't know why. Can you use this method too?" said Instagram @hanikyoong92.

"Yes, you can try it, bro," replied Instagram user @kaderatupawon.

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