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15 Februari 2024 17:00

Without brushing on baking soda, this woman's effective way to clean scale on the stove only uses 1 kitchen ingredient

No need to worry if you don't have baking soda in stock. This method is fairly easy and the ingredients are simple, you know. Nadhifah
foto: TikTok/@buronanemakk

Brilio.net - The stove is one of the kitchen tools that is used almost every day. Don't be surprised if the appearance of the stove ends up getting dirty quickly. Moreover, the surface is often exposed to oil splashes and cooking spills. If you leave it like that, the stains will harden and become more difficult to clean.

A number of people end up doing various things to make their stove clean again. One method that is often used is to scrub the surface of the stove with a baking soda solution.

After rubbing for a while, the crust on the stove faded and even disappeared. Just rinse the stove surface with clean water. As a result, the stove is clean and shiny again.

But don't just use baking soda, it turns out there are other ingredients that can be used to clean scale on the stove. The method was demonstrated by a woman with the TikTok account name @buronanemakk. At the start of his video upload, he showed the appearance of his stove which was covered in yellowish crust.

"This stove is made of aluminum so it really gets dirty easily," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @buronanemakk on Thursday (15/2).

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

To clean it, he immediately mixed a special cleaning solution. Instead of using baking soda, he actually mixed citrus and one kitchen ingredient, namely dish soap. Without adding water, stir until the two ingredients are completely mixed.

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"So it's thick and the crust stains will fade faster," explained the owner of the video.

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

If so, immediately apply the special cleaning solution to the entire surface of the stove. In the process of descaling this stove, you need 3 minutes to let the cleaning solution sit so that it works optimally.

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

After letting it sit for 3 minutes, scrub the surface of the stove using an old toothbrush. If so, then wipe the entire surface of the stove with a sponge soaked in clean water.

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

As a result, the appearance of the stove immediately changed drastically. If at first it was filled with a yellowish crust, now it is shiny and shiny. This method of descaling a stove is very easy to follow, right?

photo: TikTok/@buronanemakk

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