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1 Mei 2024 09:01

Without brushing, here's how to clean rubber food containers so they shine again using 1 kitchen ingredient

This rubber dining area is notoriously difficult to clean. Nadhifah
Without brushing, here's how to clean rubber food containers so they shine again using 1 kitchen ingredient Instagram/@jennyliachristyanie

Brilio.net - Food containers or containers are one of the kitchen utensils that many people often collect. Not without reason, this kitchen equipment is often used to store various side dishes, vegetables, rice and other dishes. Whatever the brand, a place to eat that is equipped with a tight lid is sure to be a mainstay.

Unfortunately, cleaning the place to eat becomes homework in itself. The reason is, there are areas or parts of the food container that are difficult to reach. For example, the rubber part on each side of the dining area.

Even though it has been washed repeatedly, usually the rubber on the food bowl still looks dirty. If you just leave it like that, the rubber of the food container will appear yellow and covered in stubborn stains. This certainly risks contaminating the food inside, right?

Knowing this, a number of people immediately brushed the rubber of the food dish using a dishwashing soap solution. For maximum cleanliness, brush the rubber of the food bowl as hard as you can.

But if you don't want the hassle, you can copy the method for cleaning rubber food containers shown by Instagram user @jennyliachristyanie. In his video upload, this netizen only relies on one kitchen ingredient to clean the rubber where he eats.

How to clean rubber food containers so they shine again using 1 kitchen ingredient.

The first step, first remove the food rubber. To do this, pry open one side of the rubber plate using a fork. If it feels loose, immediately pull it out with your hands slowly. The rubber part of the food holder immediately came off.

photo: Instagram/@jennyliachristyanie

On the other hand, pour hot water into the bowl. The water dosage can be adjusted to your needs, OK? If so, add one kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda, to the bowl. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved.

photo: Instagram/@jennyliachristyanie

After that, put the rubber food holder into the cleaning solution. Stir and make sure all the rubber parts of the food container are submerged in the cleaning solution. After soaking for a while, the results were immediately visible.

"The feces are about to come out," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @jennyliachristyanie on Wednesday (1/5).

photo: Instagram/@jennyliachristyanie

For maximum cleanliness, you can remove the dirt directly using your hands. When it's clean, immediately rinse the rubber food container using running water.

photo: Instagram/@jennyliachristyanie

As a result, the rubber comes back clean and shiny like new.

How to reduce the musty smell in the dining area.

Reducing musty odors in dining areas requires several preventative and maintenance steps. Here are several ways you can do it.

1. Ensure good air circulation.

Make sure the room has good ventilation to circulate fresh air and remove damp air which can cause musty odors. Open windows or doors when possible, or use a fan or ventilation system.

2. Control humidity.

Mushrooms usually occur when high humidity allows the growth of mold or mildew. Use a dehumidifier or humidity controller to keep room humidity under control, usually between 30% to 50%.

3. Clean regularly.

Clean all surfaces that may harbor mold or mildew growth, such as walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture. Use an effective cleaner to remove mold and bacteria that cause musty odors.

4. Use air freshener.

Use air freshener or aromatherapy candles to help freshen the air and disguise musty odors. You can also try placing a bowl of white vinegar in the room for a few hours to absorb the odor.

5. Check the drain.

Make sure the kitchen, bathroom or other room drains are clean and not clogged. A clogged drain can cause a musty odor and excessive humidity in the room.

By implementing the steps above regularly, you can reduce or even eliminate musty odors in your dining area, creating a cleaner, fresher and more comfortable environment.

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