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17 Maret 2024 14:29

Without baking soda, this is an effective trick to remove limescale from the toilet so it shines, just add 1 kitchen spice

There are several ways to deal with a clogged toilet without needing to dismantle it. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - The toilet must always be kept clean. Considering that toilets that are frequently used are usually full of stubborn stains. If you don't clean it straight away, the stain will harden, making it difficult to clean. As a result, the appearance of the toilet looks yellowish and dirty .

A number of people also choose to scrub the surface of the toilet using a kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda. The ingredients in this kitchen ingredient are considered effective in removing all stubborn stains on the surface of the toilet. After scrubbing with baking soda for a while, just rinse the toilet with water.

But there's no need to worry if the stock of baking soda is running low or runs out, because there are other cleaning agents that can be used to remove limescale from the toilet. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user IDE CHANNEL. Even without baking soda, the result is that the toilet looks maximally clean, you know.

An effective trick to remove limescale from the toilet so that it shines like new again.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube IDE CHANNEL on Sunday (17/3), the main ingredient used to remove crust in the toilet is toothpaste. However, to get maximum clean results, he deliberately added one kitchen spice, namely salt, as a cleaning mixture.

photo: YouTube/IDE CHANNEL

Put enough toothpaste in a spray bottle. Then add about 2 tablespoons of table salt and water as a mixture. Close the bottle tightly then shake until the two ingredients are completely mixed. Toilet cleaning fluid is ready to use.

photo: YouTube/IDE CHANNEL

Just spray the cleaning fluid that has been made directly onto the entire surface of the toilet. Once done, scrub the entire surface of the toilet using a regular brush. As seen in the video upload, all the crust in the toilet disappeared instantly.

photo: YouTube/IDE CHANNEL

The next process, rinse the toilet with water. Because it has been scrubbed with cleaning fluid and rinsed, the entire surface of the toilet looks shiny again. There is not a single crust left on the surface of the toilet.

photo: YouTube/IDE CHANNEL

If it's clean like this, using the toilet won't be uncomfortable, right?

How to deal with a clogged toilet without needing to dismantle it.

There are several ways to deal with a clogged toilet without needing to dismantle it. Here are some methods you can try.

1. Using a special cleaner.

There are several special cleaners designed to clean clogged toilets. You can look for these products in household goods stores or plumbing repair stores.

2. Using a plunger.

A plunger is a tool that is often used to deal with clogged toilets. Place the plunger over the toilet hole and press and raise it repeatedly to try to clear the blockage.

3. Use hot water.

Pour hot water into the toilet and let it sit for some time. Hot water can help loosen clogged objects in the toilet.

4. Use a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.

Mix bicarbonate of soda and vinegar in the toilet and leave it for some time before you flush it out with water. This mixture can help loosen blockages.

Make sure to use the proper method carefully and be careful not to damage the toilet or drainage system. If you are not sure, it is better to call an expert to help.

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