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29 April 2024 22:00

Without adding salt, here's a trick for mopping granite floors to make them clean and shiny, just add 1 kitchen ingredient

The floor becomes comfortable to use for activities. Nadhifah
Without adding salt, here's a trick for mopping granite floors to make them clean and shiny, just add 1 kitchen ingredient foto: TikTok/@bia_kenka

Brilio.net - A clean house certainly makes its residents feel comfortable. Therefore, make sure you regularly sweep and mop the floor so that it doesn't get oily when you step on it. Especially if the floor used is granite. The reason is, the surface of the granite floor has holes so dust and dirt easily stick to it.

If you rarely clean it, dust and dirt will accumulate making it increasingly difficult to remove. As a result, even though it has been mopped repeatedly, the appearance of the granite floor still looks dirty.

As a solution, some people deliberately add salt to the floor cleaning solution. The addition of this kitchen ingredient is considered effective for removing all stains on the surface of granite floors.

How to mop granite floors so they are clean and shiny using kitchen ingredients.

But don't just use salt, it turns out there are other kitchen ingredients that can be used as a mixture to clean granite floors. As done by TikTok user @bia_kenka. First, pour enough plain water into the container.

photo: TikTok/@bia_kenka

If so, add hot water to the container. Using hot water is considered effective in removing all dirt and killing various germs and bacteria. Stir until completely mixed.

photo: TikTok/@bia_kenka

Add floor freshener in the amount according to taste. Before stirring, he also added one kitchen ingredient as a cleaning mixture. Instead of salt, this netizen actually poured dishwashing soap into a container.

photo: TikTok/@bia_kenka

Once mixed completely, dip the mop. Then squeeze the mop and rub it over the entire surface of the granite floor. The mopping technique can be done backwards, so as not to leave footprints on the floor surface.

photo: TikTok/@bia_kenka

By adding dish soap as a cleaning mixture, the granite floor surface will be maximally clean. The results are as expected, right?

"This is the result, the floor is shiny without leaving water spots on the floor," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @bia_kenka on Monday (29/4).

photo: TikTok/@bia_kenka

An easy way to deal with cooking oil spills on the floor.

Dealing with cooking oil spills on the floor can be done with simple and effective steps. Here is an easy way to solve it:

1. Treat spills immediately.

When an oil spill occurs, handle it immediately to prevent the oil from spreading and absorbing into the floor.

2. Use absorbent materials.

Take a paper towel, paper towel, or clean rag to absorb as much oil as possible from the surface of the floor. Place an absorbent material over the spill and press gently to absorb the oil.

3. Sprinkle flour or baking soda.

If the oil spill is large enough, sprinkle a little flour or baking soda on top. Flour or baking soda will help absorb any remaining oil.

4. Sweep or clean with dish soap.

Once most of the oil has been absorbed, use a clean broom or rag dampened with warm water and a little dish soap to clean the remaining oil from the surface of the floor. Rub gently to remove oil stains.

5. Rinse with clean water.

After cleaning up oil spills, rinse the floor surface with clean water to remove any remaining soap or detergent.

By following the steps above, you can easily deal with cooking oil spills on the floor and keep the floor clean and safe. Make sure to act quickly to avoid further problems resulting from an oil spill.

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