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13 Desember 2024 11:00

With just Rp. 2000 capital, here's a trick to eradicate rust on dish racks to make them shiny using 2 easily available ingredients.

If the dish rack is rusty, it is very likely that the surface will become porous and susceptible to damage. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
With just Rp. 2000 capital, here's a trick to eradicate rust on dish racks to make them shiny using 2 easily available ingredients. YouTube/Mama Twins 4N

Brilio.net - A dish rack is a multifunctional kitchen utensil that not only functions as a place to store cutlery, but also as a draining area after washing. There are various choices of dish racks in the market with various shapes and materials, but stainless steel racks are a favorite because of their strength and ability to support heavy loads.

Despite their popularity, stainless steel dish racks have the disadvantage of being prone to rusting due to their continued interaction with water and oxygen. This corrosion process can cause structural damage to the surface of the rack, leading many users to turn to solutions such as spraying anti-rust liquids or repainting to extend the life of the furniture.

However, repainting is not the only solution to rust on dish racks . As shown in Mama Twins 4N YouTube content, there are more effective methods for removing rust using certain ingredients that are more potent than conventional solutions.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Mama Twins 4N on Thursday (12/12), the YouTube user admitted to only using two simple ingredients to eradicate rust on the stainless steel dish rack. The ingredients are toothpaste and citric acid. So these two ingredients are simply mixed in one container and stirred evenly.

Before ready to use, make sure the kitchen utensils on the rack have been moved, okay. After that, rinse the dish rack and apply the cleaning fluid evenly. For maximum results, it is better not to scrub the dish rack directly. Let it sit for at least 1 hour.

photo: YouTube/Mama Twins 4N

Once it has been left, then scrub it using a wire brush. Do this scrubbing process evenly between the dish racks. Then rinse and scrub again until clean.

photo: YouTube/Mama Twins 4N

In the video, YouTube user Mama Twins 4N doesn't just do this process once. So after scrubbing, she reapplies the toothpaste and citric acid mixture. Then she lets the dish rack sit for a few hours. After that, she scrubs the dish rack again until it's clean.

"So at least it took two jobs to really clean it (the rust)," concluded YouTube Mama Twins 4N.

photo: YouTube/Mama Twins 4N

This upload about the trick to eradicate rust on dish racks immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Not a few even commented directly through the comments column. Most of them admitted to being grateful for getting new, useful knowledge.

"Thank you for the tips on cleaning the dish rack," said YouTube @bundoherlina.

"Wow, it's been a long time, huh, Bun, stay active," said YouTube @bundajordane6029.

"Thanks for the tips, my dear mother. I have a shelf like that and it's rusty so I don't use it," said YouTube @mamafa-dia8565.

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