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1 Mei 2024 20:00

With capital of IDR 4,000, this man's effective way to remove mold from car windows is just add 1 kitchen ingredient

If there is dirt, let alone mold, on the car window, it will definitely interfere with the driver's visibility or vision. Nadhifah
With capital of IDR 4,000, this man's effective way to remove mold from car windows is just add 1 kitchen ingredient YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

Brilio.net - Hot heat and intermittent rain can actually cause problems with vehicles. Like the appearance of mold on car windows due to raindrops that dry quickly before they can be cleaned.

In fact, glass is an important part of a car . If there is dirt, let alone mold, on the car window, it will definitely interfere with the driver's visibility or vision. Like it or not, you have to wash your car windows straight away so that the mold disappears.

Unfortunately, removing mold from car windows is quite difficult. If you just wash it with car washing soap, usually the mold is still clearly visible. To avoid failure, you can imitate how to remove mold from car windows shown by YouTube user DOEL CARWASH. At the beginning of the video, he shows his car which has a blurry front and side window because it is covered in mold.

This is really serious, friends. "We'll just clean it straight away using this method because it's guaranteed to be effective," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube DOEL CARWASH on Wednesday (1/5).

photo: YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

To clean his car windows, this netizen only relies on cleaning materials that are easy to obtain and cheap.

This man's way to remove mold from car windows is effective, just add 1 kitchen ingredient.

The first ingredient is dishwashing soap which is sold at a price of around IDR 2,000 on the market. Pour these kitchen ingredients into a bucket filled with water.

photo: YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

If so, add the second ingredient, namely a packet of citrus. Generally, citrus is sold for around IDR 2,000. So, the total expenditure to remove mold from car windows is IDR 4,000. Stir until the dish soap, water and citrus are completely mixed.

photo: YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

Then just apply the cleaning solution to the entire surface of the car window. In this process, the male YouTube user uses a large brush.

"Let the cleaning solution get on the top, bottom, right and left glass," said the video owner.

photo: YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

Finally, flush the car window with clean water. It looks like the fungus spots have faded. For maximum cleanliness, repeat the same process two to three times.

photo: YouTube/DOEL CARWASH

"The results are like this, friends, with only Rp. 4,000 capital, the results are shiny again," he explained.

How to add more dish soap.

More dishwashing soap can be a temporary solution if you run out or want to save. Here are several ways to increase dishwashing soap:

1. Add water.

Mix dish soap with water to make a thinner solution. This will expand the volume of the soap and still be effective in cleaning dishes.

2. Use a spray bottle.

Pour some dish soap into a spray bottle and add water. By spraying this mixture on dishes or surfaces that need cleaning, you can use it more efficiently.

3. Use more sparingly.

When washing, simply use a small amount of dish soap on a sponge or wash cloth. If you use too much, it not only wastes soap but can also be difficult to rinse out.

4. Use substitutes.

If you really run out of dish soap, you can try using a temporary substitute such as a gentle laundry detergent or a mixture of water with a little baking soda. However, keep in mind that it may not be as effective as dish soap and may not be suitable for all washing needs.

Keep in mind that while stocking up on dish soap may be a temporary solution, make sure not to sacrifice cleaning quality and safety. Some substitute ingredients or methods may be less effective or even damage the surface you are cleaning.

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