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21 Juni 2024 14:00

Viral parting school children pay Rp. 300 thousand, appearance of consumption makes parents protest

What menu is suitable for the price of Rp. 300 thousand, at the same time it has also been divided into other farewell facilities. Ida Setyaningsih

Brilio.net - The change of school term is a moment that many people, both students and parents, have been waiting for . Often considered a milestone in moving to a higher level of education, the end of the school year is usually celebrated with a farewell event. For most students, this farewell event is an opportunity to share happiness with friends and teachers.

But who would have thought, it turns out that not all parents were completely satisfied with the farewell event. One thing that parents are considering is the additional costs that must be paid for the student's farewell event. Just like the story of an elementary school student's parent who recently went viral on social media. Initially he wrote his tweet via media X, but now it has gone viral and been re-uploaded by several other social media accounts, such as TikTok and Instagram. The student's guardian admitted that the farewell money for elementary school students that had to be paid reached IDR 300 thousand. Instead of being able to enjoy the event comfortably, he complained that some of the facilities were inadequate.

photo: TikTok/@awuudaily

"In fact, it's like holding an event for teachers, committee members and high-achieving students. Paying is expensive but lacks the facilities. Even though all students pay the same price," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from the TikTok/@awuudaily upload, Friday (21/6).

One thing that disappointed him was the food provided during the farewell event. The student's parent did not hesitate to show the fried chicken rice wrapped in styrofoam. According to his confession, the budget states that the food that will be provided is boxed rice, not fried chicken in styrofoam. Even the student's parents admitted that they only received food at 11 am, while the event had started in the morning.

"The rice is only for the teacher, this is crazy," wrote the account, which was re-uploaded by TikTok @awuudaily.

Apart from that, he also seemed to object to the snacks provided. He admitted that he had received information from the teacher that the costs would be budgeted for snacks for parents and students. However, instead of being distributed equally among the students, the three-course snack plus mineral water was only distributed to the students' parents.

"He said the mother and child got snacks, but the child didn't get the snack, only the mother," he continued.

photo: TikTok/@awuudaily

Not only about consumption, the student's parents apparently also complained about the school farewell location provided. Instead of being in an AC room, he showed the students sitting on tarpaulins, some of them also exposed to sunlight.

"Aren't there benches? RT benches are fine too, this is a lesehan, wow," he said.

The student's guardian then showed the location where the student's guardian was sitting in a tent that had some holes in it. According to him, Rp. 300 thousand from each student is not commensurate with the inadequate facilities. He said that if calculated, the total costs for the farewell event for elementary school students reached IDR 27 million. So he hopes to get more adequate facilities. What's more, the photographer's fees also have to be paid again.

"According to the meeting, 300 thousand includes the photographer, right, but if you want to take photos you have to pay another 15 thousand," he said.

photo: TikTok/@awuudaily

Admitting he was annoyed and disappointed, he then protested to the teacher or class coordinator. The class coordinator's answer apparently did not satisfy him. He said that the class coordinator admitted that he was quite tired after managing the event.

"I'm really angry, I didn't even accept the call from the class. They said I was tired of taking care of it," he wrote.

Netizens' complaints about X were widely discussed after being uploaded by the @awuudaily account on TikTok. In fact, it has been watched 3.6 million times and received 177 thousand comments from netizens. Not only that, X's upload was also reposted by the @ratu.nyinyir.official account on Instagram and has now received 181 comments from netizens.

The post immediately received various responses from netizens , some of whom agreed that the cost was too expensive.

"A budget of 300k can be rented in a hotel building like my class yesterday in a 4 star hotel, you know," wrote the TikTok account @wad.

"My farewell yesterday was 150 thousand per child, I got snacks, rice boxes, juice and also to rent a cafe, there were 27 students in my class, for 300 thousand the seats were tarpaulin, that wasn't really nice," said the TikTok account @allyy.

"Even though plastic chairs are really cheap, only 2k/day," wrote the TikTok account @mikaiLsatyaa.

However, quite a few also think that these funds are sufficient to carry out such a preparatory event. If you want to be more luxurious, then the costs will have to be more expensive.

"Pay 300 thousand, want to be elite? Maybe it's the one that's up that's not good," said the Instagram account @bach_fiana47.

"Yes, today I want the facilities to be ok, pay 1 million," said the Instagram account @nelysovia.

"Maaaak, my son paid 900 thousand for ok facilities," wrote the Instagram account @iedha.m.

In your opinion, is it worth Rp. 300 thousand to get facilities and dishes like that?

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