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7 Januari 2025 16:00

This practical trick for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil only requires compressing them using 2 kitchen ingredients.

When oil stains are not treated immediately, the oil settles and penetrates the fabric layers, making it more difficult to remove. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Brilio.net - Cooking oil is often a big problem when it spills and gets on clothes. Most people must have experienced this unexpected incident in the kitchen. Although cooking oil seems easy to clean, in reality, oil spills on clothes often leave stubborn marks. Even though it has been washed with soap or detergent, these oil stains that remain are still difficult to remove completely, disrupting the appearance of clothes and making them look less clean.

Oil stains left on fabrics are caused by the nature of oil that easily penetrates the fibers of the fabric, especially on clothes made of absorbent materials such as cotton or linen. When oil stains are not treated immediately, the oil settles and penetrates the layers of the fabric, making it more difficult to remove with regular washing methods. Without proper care, these stains can last a long time and ruin the appearance of your favorite clothes.

However, there are some effective tricks that can help to deal with oil stains more easily. An Instagram user @rumah.kamali once revealed the trick further. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only relying on two kitchen ingredients to remove oil stains on this shirt.

Tricks for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah.kamali on Tuesday (7/1), the kitchen ingredients in question are dishwashing soap and baking soda. Before applying soap and baking soda, cover the clothes with cardboard first. Make sure the part of the clothes that is stained with oil is on top of the cardboard.

Tricks for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil

Then, pour the dish soap directly onto the oil stain on the clothes. Make sure the entire stain is evenly covered with dish soap. Next, sprinkle baking soda onto the stain. Spread and press until the baking soda mixes with the soap. Then, let it sit and compress the clothes for at least 30 minutes so that the oil stain is absorbed into the baking soda and soap mixture.

Tricks for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil

Once done, scrub the stained area with a brush. Do this process until the oil stains also move to the cardboard used as a base. Then, remove the remaining baking soda that is still attached. After that, remove the cardboard and wash the clothes as usual by hand or washing machine to make it easier.

Tricks for washing clothes that have been spilled with oil

Shortly after being washed and dried, the clothes that were originally dirty become cleaner. There are even no oil stains left. Now, you can wear the clothes again with more confidence.

The video about this laundry trick has been watched more than 20 thousand times since it was uploaded on Friday (3/1). Who would have thought, many other Instagram users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most even admitted that they had just found out and wanted to try the trick directly.

"Wow, you can try it," said Instagram @house.of.benta.

"Wow, what a great solution, sis," wrote the Instagram account @rumahmille_.

"Often, there are oil marks stuck to my khimar, especially my toddler's. I'll try it later," said Instagram user @ainulia_home.

"Thanks for the tips, bro," said Instagram @bieshouse.

"Well, yesterday's drama, I cooked seafood in 3 bowls until it was covered in oil. Thanks for the info, Bukam," commented the Instagram account @rumah_aila.

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