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28 Juni 2024 14:00

This hack for carrying 2 gallons at once on a motorbike is really genius, anti-fall using 1 simple tool

If you fall, you risk endangering the safety of other drivers. Shahfara Raida
This hack for carrying 2 gallons at once on a motorbike is really genius, anti-fall using 1 simple tool Instagram/@alyphgilangr

Brilio.net - Buying gallons is the most practical if you go by car. Unlike a motorbike, when carrying gallons with this vehicle, you automatically have to focus and have extra energy to successfully maintain balance while traveling.

Not a few people still have difficulty carrying gallons on motorbikes, as a result the gallons end up falling and rolling onto the road. The fall of the gallon from this motorbike should be prevented, because it risks endangering the safety of other drivers around.

Well, Instagram account user @alyphgilangr has an interesting hack to stay balanced when carrying 2 gallons at once. After all, to practice this hack, you only need one simple tool that you definitely have at home.

photo: Instagram/@alyphgilangr

The owner of the Instagram account @alyphgilangr this time shows the process of bringing 2 empty gallons first with this hack. He originally put the two gallons in the footrests of his motorbike. Next, he attached a hanger or clothes hanger to the necks of the two gallons.

Yup, this hanger is the main tool for practicing the gallon carrying hack. The hanger will help keep the gallon stable on the motorbike.

This netizen, who is familiarly called Gilang, uses a hanger made of iron, so this tool will not break easily even if it holds a gallon. Then, he immediately started his motorbike while carrying a gallon that had been given a hanger, apparently it worked, you know.

photo: Instagram/@alyphgilangr

This time on Gilang's trip he went to the grocery store to buy water refills for his empty gallons. After getting a new gallon of water, he then brought the gallon back home with the same hack, namely using a hanger.

It's not magic, it's not magic, even though the gallon currently contains water which increases its weight, the position of the gallon still doesn't fall easily when carried on a motorbike, you know.

"I walked quite a distance, lots of speed bumps and rocky roads, and it turned out to be successful," said Gilang, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @alyphgilangr on Friday (28/6).

photo: Instagram/@alyphgilangr

After being shared on Thursday (26/6), this upload from Instagram @alyphgilangr received various responses from netizens. There are still some people who are against it and think that this hack of carrying gallons on a motorbike is less effective.

"Can you tell me, bro, if you can order online, why do you have to travel," said Instagram @bellasalsha.

"Sorry bro, I was just thinking, I was afraid the clothesline hook would get caught in my trousers, or it would get zipped," wrote Instagram @deimadeii.

Even though there are still cons, there are quite a few who are inspired and find this hack useful, you know. Apart from that, there are also netizens who provide alternative hacks that are no less effective for carrying 2 gallons on a motorbike.

"Finally, I found that the gallon had fallen and rolled around on the road. I was really embarrassed when I picked up the gallon. Why didn't anyone help me," said Instagram @anyar_31.

"You can just use raffia rope," added Instagram @alifnurhsnhh.

"My father has tried this, bro, it's really creative," said Instagram @safiraazmi.

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