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9 Mei 2024 09:00

This gentlemen's way of changing a fan to make it as cool as an AC is really creative, you only use 1 piece of kitchen waste

So that you don't just feel the wind passing by, you also get a cold sensation. Nadhifah
foto: YouTube/Arie Wicaksono

Brilio.net - Even though many people now use AC, quite a few still choose fans to cool their homes. This is because the operational costs of a fan are cheaper than an AC.

Even so, the cold temperature produced by the fan is not optimal because the fan only provides a wind effect through air movement. This is different from AC, which cools the room through a refrigeration process.

But it turns out there is a practical way to change the fan to make it as cold as the AC. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Arie Wicaksono. In their video uploads, these gentlemen appear to be relying on one type of kitchen waste to make the fan as cold as the AC.

The fan is as cold as the AC.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Arie Wicaksono on Wednesday (8/5), one piece of kitchen waste used was used drink bottle packaging. Cut the top of the used drink bottle packaging using a cutter or knife. If so, make holes in the front and back. Then attach the piece of used drink bottle packaging to the front of the fan.

"I used wire for the hook," said the account owner, explaining how to attach the bottle packaging piece.

photo: YouTube/Arie Wicaksono

After that, put about 2 to 3 ice cubes into the pieces of used drink bottle packaging. If so, plug the fan into electrical power. Press the fan button as usual to turn it on.

"The result is that the wind feels colder," said the video owner.

photo: YouTube/Arie Wicaksono

Because the ice cube is made of aluminum, water droplets don't get stuck inside. There is no water dripping at all, so it doesn't cause damage to the fan engine.

photo: YouTube/Arie Wicaksono

This video immediately caught the attention of netizens. This is proven, the video has been watched 71 thousand times and liked by 139 other YouTube accounts. There were also netizens who left responses in the comments column.

"Why is it in front, uncle, it should be behind the fan," asked YouTube account Korea6465. Then he answered, "It's more effective, bro."

Effective trick to make ice cubes freeze quickly.

To make ice cubes freeze quickly, you can try the following tricks:

1. Use hot water.

Fill the ice maker container with hot water from the tap. Hot water has less dissolved oxygen than cold water, which helps ice freeze more quickly.

2. Use purified water.

Tap water may contain minerals and other substances that can inhibit clotting. Use purified or distilled water to make ice cubes, as this water is purer and tends to freeze more quickly.

3. Don't fill the container too full.

Fill the ice maker container until it is about 3/4 full. This provides enough space for the ice to expand as it freezes, thereby aiding the freezing process.

4. Add salt.

Add a pinch of salt to the water before freezing the ice cubes. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, thereby making the water freeze at a lower temperature and more quickly. However, don't add too much salt because it can affect the taste of your drink when the ice cubes are formed.

5. Use metal containers.

Metal containers conduct heat better than plastic or glass containers, helping ice freeze more quickly. If possible, use a metal ice maker container.

By trying some of the tricks above, you can speed up the ice cube freezing process and have ice cubes ready to use in less time.

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