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18 Agustus 2024 13:30

This funny moment when a cadet was caught buying Yupi snacks made netizens lose focus: Afraid of taking his candy

Not a few cadets deliberately buy various types of their favorite foods and drinks. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Weekends are always a moment that is highly anticipated by cadets. That's when they are given the opportunity to take a break and refresh their minds after undergoing academic activities. Weekends are usually used by cadets to relieve fatigue by doing various activities outside the Police Academy (Akpol) area.

One of the activities usually done by cadets is walking or shopping. Not a few cadets deliberately buy various types of their favorite foods and drinks.

But what needs to be remembered, while leaving the school environment, or traveling from the Police Academy (Akpol), cadets are required to wear complete uniforms. This was highlighted when TikTok user @koperasiakpol uploaded one of the activities of a cadet who was shopping.

Instead of buying equipment or daily necessities, a cadet actually bought unexpected items.

photo: TikTok/@koperasiakpol

In the video upload, a cadet is seen from behind standing in front of the snack rack. Knowing this, his superior immediately greeted him. Funnily enough, the cadet was holding a box of Yupi candy . As is known, Yupi candy is identical to being consumed by small children.

From his face, the cadet looked shocked but remained ready in front of his seniors. He even answered several questions thrown by his seniors regarding the Yupi candy he brought.

photo: TikTok/@koperasiakpol

"Ready, since I was little, commander," he answered when asked since when he liked Yupi candy, as reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @koperasiakpol on Sunday (18/8).

The cadet named Ghifari Iman is apparently from Surabaya. He claimed to be studying in East Java.

Although it was only uploaded on August 17, this video has become the focus of TikTok users. Many netizens are actually focusing on the wrong expression of the cadet in the video.

"His face looks like he's afraid his yupi will be asked," wrote the TikTok account @esdoger.

""ready yupi commander" so funny," said the TikTok account @dep.

"You have a sweet tooth, so you buy snacks like that," said the TikTok account @west coast baby.

"yupi and grandchildren ultamilc stlawbeli," explained the TikTok account @Del.

"Please look like a small child who was surprised to be caught eating yupi with his mother," said the TikTok account @Humaira.

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