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16 Agustus 2024 23:00

This buyer asked the seller for a refund because the pizza was tilted, which made him annoyed.

After finding out the cause of the tilted pizza, the restaurant owner was immediately annoyed. Shahfara Raida
foto: news.naver.com

Brilio.net - Recently, an incident experienced by a pizza seller in South Korea went viral. Reported from the news.naver.com page, a pizza shop owner told an unpleasant incident on social media, about a buyer who asked for a refund because the pizza he bought arrived crooked.

Initially, the pizza was purchased as a take away (taken home by a young man). Upon arriving home, the buyer's mother immediately contacted the pizza shop to ask for a refund while scolding the employee who answered the call.

"The pizza is tilted to one side, so what's this?" the customer protested to the seller in Korean, quoted by BrilioFood from news.naver.com on Friday (16/8).

photo: news.naver.com

The pizza shop employee who received the call thought about giving a refund with his own money, because he thought the crooked pizza was his fault. However, the shop owner who heard the story from his employee immediately took the initiative to contact the customer once again to apologize.

After apologizing, the shop owner immediately explained the refund procedure, which is to return the pizza first, then the buyer will get a 100% refund. Instead of agreeing to the procedure, the mothers who asked for a refund actually grumbled again because they did not agree to return the pizza.

"He said 'Just send the money' when I said the principle was to return the food, then he grumbled again," said the shop owner.

Not only did the women refuse to return the pizza to the seller, they even insulted the shop owner. They said that the shop owner did not pay attention to the needs of customers and it would be better to stop selling. Furthermore, they also threatened to give the shop a 1-star rating if they did not get a refund immediately.

photo: news.naver.com

After being investigated using CCTV, it was discovered the cause of the tilted pizza. It turned out that the young man who bought the pizza at the shop was carrying the plastic pizza wrapper while making a phone call, so the pizza box tilted 45 degrees while on the way. In the upload, many netizens were also annoyed after finding out the cause of the tilted pizza.

"It's like asking for a refund just so you can eat for free," said one netizen.

"The boss and his employees must be really upset," he said.

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