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12 Juli 2024 08:00

The way netizens deal with scalded hands is really strange, but the idea is effective in preventing scalded skin

The method makes you surprised and curious~ Shahfara Raida
The way netizens deal with scalded hands is really strange, but the idea is effective in preventing scalded skin foto: TikTok/@linda_zakiah

Brilio.net - Work accidents while cooking in the kitchen may occur, for example if your skin is accidentally scalded with hot water. This condition definitely makes the skin feel very sore, hot, and must be treated immediately. The reason is, if left unchecked, the skin could blister, you know.

The experience of skin being scalded by hot water was shared by TikTok account user @linda_zakiah. This woman admitted that her hands were scalded by hot water and she didn't know how to deal with it. As a result, he asked his mother and got an unusual answer.

photo: TikTok/@linda_zakiah

According to the mother of the TikTok account user @linda_zakiah, instead of treating it with certain medicines or running water, it is said that skin exposed to hot water can be soothed with soy sauce. As a child, this netizen named Linda also followed her mother's advice.

photo: TikTok/@linda_zakiah

He put down the plate to put the soy sauce on, then immediately smeared his hands with the soy sauce. This unique way to deal with hands scalded by hot water has immediately entertained a number of netizens on social media. Not a few people think that this process is similar to marinating meat.

" It's been marinated, just prepare the gas charcoal ," wrote TikTok @Gemini.

" Just leave the fan on for a moment, sis, " said TikTok @Musc.

" Give me tomatoes, I'm crying with Bamer, bro, " said TikTok @theonly_audreylivya.

photo: TikTok/@linda_zakiah

Even though the method is a bit strange, Linda admitted that her hands improved after smearing them with soy sauce like this, you know.

" But it's really that effective, no drama, skin blisters or bubbles, " he wrote in the caption of the TikTok video @linda_zakiah, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (11/7).

In fact, several netizens admitted that they had also used the same method to treat skin exposed to hot water. They also think that smearing the skin with soy sauce after being exposed to hot water has a good effect.

" pls, this is really effective for cleansing. Dousing your thighs with hot water at work immediately remembers what your mother said, using effective soy sauce to heal without a trace, " said TikTok @KiyowaJck-.

" Me too, sis, my feet were splashed with soto, but my father even added soy sauce, but it's true, there wasn't any trace, " said TikTok @Rossytri Wahyuni.

However, there has been no health research regarding the process of treating skin exposed to hot water with soy sauce, so its truth and safety cannot be ascertained. Reporting from healthline.com, the first treatment recommended by experts to treat skin exposed to hot water can be done by dousing it with room temperature water for about 20 minutes.

Several netizens in the comments column of @linda_zakiah's TikTok upload also explained further about how to treat scalded skin using running water.

" Maybe you can manipulate the hot water outside so it doesn't taste. It's actually cooking inside. So it's better to give it running water, " wrote TikTok @Day.

" Dousing it with running water for at least an hour is guaranteed, the skin won't swell, " added TikTok @Fatma Ajja.

" Friends, if you get hot water/oil, try dousing it with running water, with a few conditions. The water pressure is not too hard/fast, so if it comes from the tap you can use it in the palm of your hand (bloom) so the pressure isn't too strong on the skin, it gets all over the side that is doused, and approximately 20-30 minutes until the skin doesn't feel so hot/warm, if you have received first aid, you can take it to the emergency room to be checked or receive further assistance. The purpose of the dousing is to cool the skin layer, that's why you use running water ( not just soak it). So when our skin or parts of the body come into contact with oil/hot water, if we immediately smear it with soy sauce toothpaste, etc., it could still cause blisters, because the heat has entered the deep layers of the skin, this is from personal experience, " explained TikTok @ Sharafinaardhanii || Hi .

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