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11 Desember 2024 10:00

Slough off old crust instantly, here's how to get rid of burnt stains on gas stoves to make them shiny using 3 ingredients

The stove has not been cleaned for three years, so the crust and black stains are difficult to clean. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Slough off old crust instantly, here's how to get rid of burnt stains on gas stoves to make them shiny using 3 ingredients YouTube/Jan Sae

Brilio.net - Gas stoves are kitchen appliances that are very often used, but many people ignore their maintenance by not cleaning them regularly. Daily cooking activities can produce various stains such as oil splashes, gravy, food residue, and burnt marks that stick to the surface of the stove. This condition has the potential to become a place for mold and bacteria to grow.

The accumulation of stains not only makes the gas stove unhygienic, but also affects its appearance to be very dirty. The problem will be more serious when the stains are left for a long time for months or years because they can develop into crust that is difficult to clean.

Cleaning hardened crust requires more effort. Even with a lot of scrubbing, the crust is still difficult to remove. However, there is a solution to overcome this problem as demonstrated by Jan Sae through his YouTube upload. The video shows how to clean a very dirty stove with thick crust around the burner, which started from burnt stains that were ignored for a long time.

"This (stove) is really dirty, because it's probably been there for about three years, yeah, it hasn't been cleaned," said YouTube Jan Sae, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (10/12).

To eradicate the crust, she did not use dish soap or other types of soap. Jan Sae admitted that she chose to use three other ingredients, namely baking soda, cooking vinegar, and toothpaste. For the tools used, she only relied on an old toothbrush and a dishwashing sponge.

In the initial step of cleaning the crust , simply sprinkle baking soda onto the crusty and dirty parts of the stove. Use a lot of baking soda for the parts of the stove that have very thick crust and dirt. Then spread the baking soda evenly with your fingers.

photo: YouTube/Jan Sae

After that, rinse the baking soda-coated part with vinegar. These two ingredients will cause a chemical reaction to change into foam. For maximum results, let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes so that the crust peels off. Then scrub the stove using a toothbrush slowly.

"The purpose of this initial brushing is to mix the baking soda and vinegar so that they are evenly mixed. So that they can work optimally," he explained further.

photo: YouTube/Jan Sae

To make it easier to clean, Jan Sae removes the stove body from its engine (lighter). Then scrub the dirty part of the stove again with a toothbrush and dishwashing sponge (for thick crust). While brushing, rinse with water little by little. If there is still crust that has not been removed, sprinkle the part again with baking soda and vinegar, then brush again.

photo: YouTube/Jan Sae

Once done, rinse the stove with water until there is no baking soda and vinegar left on the stove. In the video, there are still some parts of the stove that are rusty and dull. Then, Jan Sae smears the part with toothpaste. After that, rub it using toothpaste.

photo: YouTube/Jan Sae

In addition to helping to remove crust, toothpaste also makes the surface of the stove non-slippery. Do the process of smearing toothpaste and scrubbing it with a brush to all parts of the stove that are still crusty and slippery. Finally, rinse with running water until completely clean. Make sure the body of the stove is dry before installing it on the lighter.

photo: YouTube/Jan Sae

With these three ingredients, the crust on the stove is completely gone. No wonder the video has caught the attention of netizens and has been watched more than 17 thousand times. This immediately made netizens respond directly through the comments column.

"Thank you very much, sis, the tutorial is very useful. My stainless steel stove, which is only a year old, was burnt because I made a cake using a perch oven. I've tried practicing this tip and most of the burnt spots have disappeared," said YouTuber Widy Ajjah.

"Wow, great, I can try the tips. Thank you for sharing. Stay strong at home, okay?" said YouTuber Jasmaji Ki.

"Thanks, Bun, for the tips," said YouTube Shepia Bagan450.

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