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21 Juni 2024 02:00

Shredded chicken talam cake recipe, delicious and practical to make

A filling cake, its deliciousness also makes you addicted. Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@koh_aming

Brilio.net - Talam cakes are usually sold in markets in various shapes and colors. You can even add toppings to your taste on top, one of which is shredded chicken . Apart from being delicious, shredded chicken talam cake is also more filling.

Instead of buying it outside, you can try making it yourself at home. The following is a recipe for shredded chicken talam cake , as reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @koh_aming.

photo: Instagram/@koh_aming

Tray material:
- 150 gr rice flour
- 50 gr tapioca flour
- 1000 ml coconut milk
- 1 tsp salt

Topping ingredients:
- 250 gr chicken breast, boiled, finely shredded
- 60 ml instant coconut milk
- 1 glass of water
- 2 lime leaves
- 1 crushed lemongrass

Ground seasoning ingredients:
- 5 red onions
- 2 garlic
- 2 roasted candlenuts
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar, combed
- sugar, salt, stock powder

How to make:
1. Mix all the ingredients, stir well and simmer over medium heat until it explodes.
2. Pour the mixture into the mold.
3. Wait until it cools slightly, remove from the mold.
4. To make the topping, saute the ground spices until fragrant, add the lemongrass and lime leaves.
5. Add shredded chicken and coconut milk, water, continue with other spices, adjust the taste.
6. Cook until the chicken is dry, remove from heat.
7. Place the shredded chicken topping on the talam cake.

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