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11 Juli 2024 15:00

Relying on 1 tool, this woman's way of cooling canned drinks is fast, only takes 5 minutes

You can drink it straight away~ Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Drinking a cold drink in the hot weather is always the right choice. Especially if you are thirsty, cold drinks can immediately soothe your throat. It's not surprising that cold drinks are sought after by many people, especially in hot areas.

To get a cold drink, it usually needs to be put in the refrigerator. Or you can also add ice cubes to make it cool faster. However, this second method will certainly change the original taste of the drink.

On the other hand, cooling drinks in the refrigerator takes a long time, even hours. Even if you put it in the freezer, it will take time for the temperature to change. In fact, there are special tricks you can do to cool drinks quickly, you know.

A woman named Siti Setyowati once shared a trick for cooling drinks quickly. Through a video uploaded to her personal Instagram, Siti admitted that she wanted to cool canned drinks. However, to cool down faster, he relies on one tool.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Wednesday (10/7), the tool in question is tissue. To be clear, he used a piece of dry tissue to cool the canned drink.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

So, wet the tissue with water until it is completely drenched. Next, the tissue will be wrapped in the canned drink that is to be cooled. Make sure all parts are evenly covered with tissue. If so, put the canned drink in the freezer and let it sit for 5 minutes.

"If you want it to be really cold, you can take 10 minutes," said Instagram @siti_setyowati_.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

So, after leaving it in the freezer for 5 minutes, this woman immediately took out the canned drink. He then opened the tissue covering the outside. This cold canned drink can be drunk straight away.

In the same video, Siti also experiments with canned drinks that are not covered with tissue. Even though they both put them in the freezer for 5 minutes, he admitted that canned drinks wrapped in tissue tend to be colder.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Basically, using this tissue will speed up the temperature changes in canned drinks. When the outside of the can is covered with wet tissue, additional evaporation will occur. According to physicsforums.com, water that evaporates in tissue requires hot temperatures. Well, this heat is absorbed from the surface of the can and the liquid inside. When heat is drawn from the can, the temperature inside the can and its contents will drop. This process will make it cool more quickly.

Well, apart from using wet wipes, there are a number of other tricks you can also use. For example, put drinks at an angle in the freezer or refrigerator. Apart from that, you can also soak drink bottles in salt water. This salt water will help absorb heat energy from the drink can, so that the cooling or freezing process occurs more quickly.

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