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27 Juni 2024 01:00

Recipe for rolled putu mayang pandan, the shape is beautiful and the taste is sweet and delicious

Eating a spoonful of putu mayang with the sauce is addictive. Dwiyana Pangesthi
foto: Instagram/@yoenitaa

Brilio.net - Putu mayang is a traditional Betawi snack that is easy to find at market snack traders. This cake, shaped like curly crackers, is made from rice flour. Generally, putu mayang is served with sauce made from brown sugar and coconut milk. Well, eating a spoonful of putu mayang with the sauce is addictive.

So that putu mayang has a more delicious aroma, you can add pandan leaf juice to the mixture. Of course the color is also more beautiful. The following is the recipe for rolled putu mayang pandan as reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @yoenitaa.

photo: Instagram/@yoenitaa

Putu mayang ingredients:
- 200 gr rice flour
- 400 ml hot water
- Salt to taste
- Sufficient pandan leaf juice
- Triangular plastic

How to make:
1. Heat the steamer pan.
2. Put the rice flour in a container, then steam for approximately 15 minutes.
3. Remove the rice flour from the steamer, add salt, then pandan juice. Then prepare hot water, add the hot water, little by little, while stirring the mixture evenly.
4. Do this until the mixture is evenly mixed.
5. Put the dough into a plastic triangle, cut off the tip.
6. Prepare a baking sheet that has been lined with plastic and smeared with oil or leaves.
7. Spray the mixture on the baking sheet, according to taste.
8. Then steam the dough that was formed earlier for 15 minutes.
9. Once cooked, remove from heat, then roll while warm.
10. Do this until all the dough is used up. Serve putu mayang cake with sarikaya sauce.

Sarikaya soup ingredients:
- 150 gr brown or brown sugar
- 350 ml of water
- 150 ml thick coconut milk
- Salt to taste
- Vanilla powder
- Pandan leaves

How to make:
1. Prepare a pan, add all the ingredients.
2. Cook until boiling, while stirring.
3. Remove and strain.
4. Sarikaya sauce is ready to use.

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