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13 Juni 2024 03:30

Recipe for making awug, soft and unbelievably sweet

To make it even tastier, awug is deliberately mixed with brown sugar and then steamed until perfectly cooked. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Awug is a typical West Javanese food. The basic ingredient for making it is rice flour. To make it even tastier, awug is deliberately mixed with brown sugar and then steamed until perfectly cooked .

If you haven't had the chance to experience this sweet market snack directly when you visit West Java, you can make it yourself at home. Take a peek at the recipe, BrilioFood has published it from the Instagram account @reissa.fie.

photo: Instagram/@reissa.fie

- 250 gr rice flour
- 250 gr grated coconut
- 25 gr granulated sugar
- Salt to taste
- 50 ml of water
- 150 gr brown sugar
- Vanilla to taste

Supplementary material:
- Enough grated coconut for sprinkling

How to make:
1. Mix all the ingredients together except the brown sugar, mix well.
2. Heat the steamer.
3. Mold the dongkal cake mixture into the mold, alternating with the brown sugar.
4. Steam for approximately 20-30 minutes until cooked.

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