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12 Agustus 2024 13:50

[QUIZ] Hungry but don't have time to eat like Ari Lasso? Snack choices reveal your personality secrets

Come on, take this fun quiz and see which snacks can tell you more about your personality. Agustin Wahyuningsih
foto ilustrasi: Instagram.com/ari_lasso; pixabay.com

Brilio.net - Have you ever been so hungry that you didn't have time to eat a big meal? Like Ari Lasso, who recently caused a stir by eating while performing on stage. Yes, he took time to eat french fries in between singing.

"Keluwen means I'm hungry and nervous. So, because of the busy activities last night, I didn't have time to eat dinner before the gig. And in the middle of the gig I was really hungry," wrote Ari Lasso in the Instagram account caption @ari_lasso, quoted by BrilioFood , Monday (12/8) .

Well, it turns out that your choice of snack when you're hungry can reveal a different side of yourself that you may not have realized. Come on, take this fun quiz and see which snack can tell you more about your personality.

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