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26 Oktober 2024 09:30

Quick trick to clean frost from freezer with one kitchen spice

Use one kitchen ingredient to clean freezer frost in 10-15 minutes. Brilio.net
Quick trick to clean frost from freezer with one kitchen spice foto: TikTok/@brigitanastasia

Brilio.net - The refrigerator freezer is very useful for keeping food fresh, such as meat, chicken, fish, nuggets, potatoes, and vegetables. In addition, the freezer also makes it easy to make ice cubes. However, this part is often difficult to maintain because of the appearance of frost in it. If left alone, the frost will thicken and make food difficult to take because it sticks to each other.

Many people try to remove frost with a fan or warm water, but this method takes a long time. As an alternative, there is a trick from a netizen on TikTok @brigitanastasia that you can try. This trick only takes 10 to 15 minutes and uses one simple kitchen ingredient. Since knowing this trick, she routinely cleans the freezer when frost starts to build up. Want to know how?

"The frost in the refrigerator apparently contains bacteria and causes an unpleasant odor," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @brigitanastasia on Saturday (26/10).

First, unplug the refrigerator. Then, move all the contents of the refrigerator into a cooler box or basin. Then, prepare the ingredients to practice this frost cleaning trick, namely salt. Dissolve a few spoons of salt with enough water. Stir well, then put it in a spray bottle.

Spray the salt water solution over the entire surface of the frost. Then, let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Next, take a cloth to remove the remaining frost or melted frost. Do this until the entire inside of the freezer is no longer wet.

"The frost has all come off and is starting to melt," added the netizen familiarly known as Anastasia.

photo: TikTok/@brigitanastasia

After that, you can use any type of cleaning agent to wipe down the entire inside of the refrigerator freezer and chiller. Reported from hgtv.com, if you want a simple material, you can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean the refrigerator. If the refrigerator is completely clean and dry, return all the contents of the refrigerator and reconnect the power supply.

photo: TikTok/@brigitanastasia

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