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25 Juni 2024 01:30

Purple sweet potato cenil recipe, chewy and sticky

You can also replace cassava potatoes with purple potatoes~ Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Cenil is made from the basic ingredients of cassava potatoes mixed with sticky rice flour or starch. It tastes sweet and has a chewy texture. You can also replace cassava potatoes with purple potatoes, you know. As a result, cenil appears purplish in color, making it even more attractive to serve . The following is a recipe for purple sweet potato cenil, BrilioFood reported from the Instagram account @lestarisahidin.

photo: Instagram/@lestarisahidin

- 125 gr steamed purple sweet potato, puree
- 120 gr tapioca flour or starch
- 130 ml hot water
- Salt
- Vanilla

Coating ingredients:
- Half young coconut

Kinca ingredients: boil together then strain
- Brown sugar
- Water
- Pandan leaves

How to make:
1. Ingredients for the dressing: Clean the coconut husk, grate it, add a little salt, steam for 15 minutes, and cool.
2. Mix all ingredients. Pour in the hot water little by little while kneading until the dough is smooth.
3. Roll the dough lengthwise. Put it in boiling water.
4. Boil until the cenil floats.
5. Drain. Coat with grated coconut until evenly mixed.
6. Sprinkle with brown sugar palm sugar.

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