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17 Juni 2024 06:31

Pandan klepon recipe, simple, chewy, and the filling melts in your mouth

Klepon is filled with brown sugar and then formed into small balls. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Klepon is usually made from glutinous rice flour colored green or white. To make it tastier, klepon is filled with brown sugar and then formed into small balls. You can also be creative with the addition of pandan flavoring.

So that the resulting pandan klepon remains chewy and the contents melt in your mouth , you can take a peek at the recipe that BrilioFood has published from the Instagram account @mylittlekitchen_co.

photo: Instagram/@mylittlekitchen_co

- 250 gr sticky rice flour
- 50 gr rice flour
- 250 ml pandan leaf juice
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 100 gr brown sugar, fine comb

- Grated coconut, steamed
- 1/2 tsp salt

How to make:
1. Mix the sticky rice flour, rice flour and salt, stir well, then pour in the water little by little while stirring until it can be rolled
2. Boil enough water, take a little dough, flatten it, add brown sugar and make it into a ball.
3. Put it in boiling water, do this until it's finished.
4. Roll in grated coconut, serve.

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