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11 Juli 2024 10:00

Often attracting attention, this chef explains that fruit carving should not be taken for consumption

Even though it can't be eaten, there are still restaurant customers who choose to eat this curving fruit. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: TikTok/@chef_kumink1

Brilio.net - Fruit has become a snack or dessert that is often served in various restaurants. Some restaurants or hotels even serve fruit that has been cut beautifully so that it can be consumed. The cut fruit is then served on a small table specifically for dessert.

The table served for cut fruit is also often decorated with various decorations, including carving fruit or fruit that has been carved. Apart from adding aesthetics, fruit carving can also be used as branding or identity for a restaurant, as well as improving the experience of customers who eat food at that place.

In general, the chef carves the fruit using a special technique. To produce good fruit carvings, of course you need skill and experience. Therefore, fruit carving is usually only used as decoration, not eaten.

Even so, quite a few restaurant or hotel customers still pick at the fruit that has been carved. This moment was shared by a chef named Hendry Kumink on TikTok. Through his personal TikTok account, Chef Kumink uploaded a video expressing his annoyance at customers who picked up the papaya carvings he had made.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @chef_kumink1 on Thursday (11/7), the video started when Chef Kumink showed several serving plates containing pieces of various fruit, including papaya. The pieces of fruit served to customers are also arranged in such a way that they look attractive.

photo: TikTok/@chef_kumink1

"I've cut the papaya nicely, all I have to do is take it. Which one did he take instead? This one, this is a carving," said Chef Kumink while showing a piece of papaya carving that had been scraped.

It seems that the papaya fruit carving has been deeply dredged at the end. This certainly made Chef Kumink furious. The reason is, carving fruit is not an easy thing. Apart from taking time, precision and skill are also important keys, so that the papaya fruit looks good for decorating the dining table.

photo: TikTok/@chef_kumink1

Even though fruit carving certainly attracts attention, this chef and content creator still regrets this action. The reason is, fruit carved to decorate the dining table should not be taken for consumption. Not without reason, the fruit used is usually hard in texture and not yet ripe, so it is not suitable for consumption.

" But I'm curious about the taste of fruit that has been carved even though it tastes the same, right ?" said TikTok user @ayaayuae.

" In fact, sometimes it's not delicious because what is carved is usually still raw ," answered Chef Kumink.

" He's curious... he wants to make a carved installment, " wrote the TikTok account @ferryfetty.

" Hahaha, even though the papaya rujak is carved, it's hard ," said TikTok @chef_kumink1 in response.

photo: TikTok/@chef_kumink1

Apart from using unripe fruit, carving or carved fruit is also not suitable for consumption for several reasons. One of them is bacterial contamination from tools and the environment. The tools used to carve fruit are not always sterile. Apart from that, exposure to dust and dirt from your hands when carving fruit can also increase the risk of contamination.

Furthermore, in some cases, carved fruit is sometimes added with chemicals for preservatives and coloring. This of course aims to ensure that the fruit lasts longer when served on the table. Apart from that, dyes are also used to beautify fruit carvings. So, it's best to just consume fruit that has been served on a plate, OK?

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