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17 Mei 2024 08:00

Not wrapped around sewing thread, this is a trick to stop LPG gas leaking hissing with just 1 simple tool

Winding the plastic risks melting. Shahfara Raida
Not wrapped around sewing thread, this is a trick to stop LPG gas leaking hissing with just 1 simple tool YouTube/NYONGE OFFICIAL

Brilio.net - Leaking and hissing LPG gas can make all family members at home panic. That's why it's important to know a number of tricks to stop LPG gas leaking so you can be calmer when you experience it. There have been many tricks spread to stop LPG gas leaking on social media.

One trick that is often used is wrapping sewing thread around the lip of the gas cylinder hole before the regulator is installed. On the other hand, there are also other tricks by tucking pieces of tires, wrapping plastic, and many more. However, unlike the YouTube account user NYONGE OFFICIAL, according to him there are other tricks that are safer and more effective, you know.

"This (wrapping plastic) is also not allowed, there is a risk of the plastic melting," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube NYONGE OFFICIAL on Friday (17/5).

So, instead of using plastic or other tools, the woman on the NYONGE OFFICIAL YouTube account said she had other tools that could be used to stop LPG gas leaking hissingly.

The trick to stop LPG gas leaking hissing is just 1 simple tool.

Before getting into the trick, first remove and set aside the rubber seal that came with the LPG gas cylinder. Then, prepare 1 rubber band. Yup, this rubber band is the main tool for practicing this trick to stop hissing LPG gas leaking.

Cut the rubber band to the size of the gas cylinder hole diameter. Then, insert the piece of rubber band in a circular position into the gas cylinder.


After the rubber band is in, then overwrite it with the rubber seal that came with the gas cylinder. Press so that the rubber seal is positioned tightly with the rubber band underneath. Next, install the gas regulator and pay close attention, maybe there is still a hissing sound or the smell of sulfur coming out of the LPG gas cylinder.

If there is no reaction from the gas cylinder, it means that the LPG gas is no longer leaking and is ready to be used for cooking.


How about it, this trick is really easy to stop LPG gas leaking hissing, isn't it? Taking a peek at NYONGE OFFICIAL's YouTube upload, although it hasn't received comments from other netizens, this video has been watched by more than 1,000 viewers.

Tips for storing LPG gas cylinders so they don't get dusty quickly.

Storing LPG gas cylinders properly is very important to maintain cleanliness and safety. Here are some tips for storing LPG gas cylinders so they don't get dusty.

1. Store in a closed place.

Store gas cylinders in a cupboard or closed room that is well ventilated to prevent dust from sticking. Make sure the place is easy to reach and is not blocked by other objects.

2. Use a tube cover.

Use special covers for gas cylinders available on the market. This cover will protect the top of the tube from dust and dirt.

3. Plastic or cloth lining.

Wrap the tube in clean, non-flammable plastic or cloth. This helps keep the tube clean and protects it from dust.

4. Keep away from dusty areas.

Avoid storing the cylinder in areas with a lot of dust such as near roads or construction sites. Choose a location that is clean and has minimal activities that can produce dust.

5. Clean regularly.

Clean the gas cylinder regularly with a soft wet cloth. Do not use harsh chemicals that could damage the surface of the tube.

6. Shelf or stand.

Use a special shelf or stand to place the gas cylinder. This helps keep the tube stable and avoid direct contact with dusty floors.

7. Air circulation.

Make sure the storage area has good air circulation. Good ventilation helps prevent dust buildup and keeps the storage area moist.

By following these tips, your LPG gas cylinder will remain clean and safe to use. Always pay attention to the manufacturer's storage instructions to ensure the safety and durability of gas cylinders.

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