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14 Agustus 2024 02:00

Not many people know that this is the best time to consume sweet foods so that they don't harm your health.

Uncontrolled, it risks causing health problems. Shahfara Raida
Unsplash/Erol Ahmed

Brilio.net - Almost everyone seems to like eating sweet foods , especially donuts, cakes, ice cream, and others. However, consuming sweet foods without control can risk causing health problems. This was also explained by the TikTok account user @mantanobesitas.

The man who is familiarly called Fikri admitted that he used to be overweight or obese because he did not know how to regulate the right diet, especially sweet foods. Now, this content creator has changed his lifestyle to be healthier, so his body is no longer obese .

photo: TikTok/@mantanobesitas

Fikri explained that consuming sweet foods should be reduced. However, sometimes the body needs energy from sugar at certain times, so sweet foods can still be consumed. Well, so as not to interfere with health, Fikri said there is the best time to consume sweet foods.

"First, I would like to disclaim that I do not recommend that you consume sugar or sweet foods. But if we talk about when to consume sweet foods, there are at least 3 times," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @mantanobesitas on Wednesday (14/8).

photo: TikTok/@mantanobesitas

First time, sweet foods can be eaten before exercise. So, the sugar that enters the body can be converted into energy during exercise. Reported from clifbar.com, sugar will quickly absorb into the body and enter the muscles to become fuel.

Well, next, the second best time to eat sweet foods is after exercising. The owner of the TikTok account @mantanobesitas explained that after the body experiences stress after exercising, especially heavy exercise such as cardio and weight lifting, sweet foods can be a solution to restore lost energy.

"Your body is stressed, for example after running tens of kilometers, after weight training, consuming sugar, psychologically you will not feel guilty," said Fikri.

However, as reported by 1stphorm.com, sweet foods consumed before or after exercise should only be consumed in moderation, so that the calories entering the body are not excessive.

photo: TikTok/@mantanobesitas

Finally, the third best time to eat sweet foods is after you eat a heavy meal. So, the sweet food is made into a dessert. This aims to prevent excessive consumption of sweet foods because your stomach is already full.

As reported by indianexpress.com, eating sweet foods on an empty stomach not only risks you consuming them excessively, but can also cause insulin resistance, disrupted body metabolism, or other health problems.

So, from now on you know the importance of managing your time when you want to eat sweet foods, right?

Peeking at the TikTok upload by @mantanobesitas which has been viewed 314 thousand times, quite a few netizens shared their respective experiences regarding consuming sweet foods.

"Maybe that's the reason too if dessert is given last," said TikTok @Veri.

"It's true, I often feel hungry when I'm craving sugar, but when I switch to the main meal, I lose my appetite for sweet foods," said TikTok @Assefa.

"I once made delfi almond chocolate when I had an empty stomach and hadn't eaten rice from morning until afternoon, my stomach hurts like crazy," said TikTok @jangankepo.

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