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27 April 2024 12:30

No need to use bleach, this woman's trick for cleaning dirty stains on her shirt collar is just adding 3 kitchen ingredients

Not everyone wants to use bleach because the smell is strong. Shahfara Raida
No need to use bleach, this woman's trick for cleaning dirty stains on her shirt collar is just adding 3 kitchen ingredients YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Brilio.net - Shirts are often worn when attending formal events. One of the most frequently chosen shirt colors is white. But unfortunately, white shirts are very prone to getting dirty, especially at the collar, because they are exposed to sweat. After using it a few times, usually the collar area can turn dirty.

One of the easiest ways to clean dirty stains on a shirt collar is to soak it in a water bleach solution. However, many people are reluctant to practice this method because the bleach can make the clothes smell bad. The aroma of this bleach is also difficult to remove even if the clothes have been soaked in fragrance.

So, for those of you who don't want to use bleach, you can try the trick for cleaning dirty stains on shirt collars from YouTube account user @Gianola Vlog, here. Investigating further, even though he doesn't use bleach, he has three kitchen ingredients that are really effective in turning dirty shirt collars into bright ones again.

Women's tricks for cleaning dirty stains on collars.

Before applying the kitchen ingredients, grease the shirt collar with enough toothpaste. Rub gently with a toothbrush so that foam appears. Make sure the toothpaste gets on all areas of the collar where there are stains.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

After that, sprinkle the collar of the shirt with enough baking soda. Then, add vinegar and dish soap. Yup, those are the three main kitchen ingredients to practice this trick for cleaning dirty stains on shirt collars. Blend the three ingredients with a toothbrush, then let it sit.

"Calm down, don't leave it overnight," stressed the owner of the YouTube account @Gianola Vlog, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (27/4).

The process of leaving the cleaning agent on the shirt collar only takes 1 to 2 hours.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Next, I carefully check the collar of the shirt, then rinse with running water until there is no more cleaning agent left. The owner of the YouTube account @Gianola Vlog shows the condition of his shirt collar which has been washed. The results are really bright, right?

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

So, are you interested in trying this trick to clean dirty stains on your shirt collar? Taking a peek at @Gianola Vlog's YouTube upload which has been watched 7,000 times, quite a few netizens have asked questions or enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

"What if you don't have baking soda? It's really sad that you just brush off the crust like this," asked YouTube @NICEEMOJI1929 and the video owner replied, "Brother... don't worry, you can buy baking soda/baking soda at the nearest stall, the price is around IDR 6k. "

"If your white clothes are dirty and dull, how do you whiten them?" said YouTube @achmada2148 and got the answer, "Soak in a bucket of 2 scoops of warm water + 3-5 drops of bayclin and a little detergent, try not to use it for more than 10 minutes later it will turn yellow if you have brushed gently using bar soap. If it doesn't come off, you can repeated once again depending on the level of dirtyness, sorry, I just replied just got home from home."

How to make clothes smell good using kitchen ingredients.

You can use natural ingredients that are generally found in the kitchen to scent your clothes. Here are several methods you can try.

1. Cloves and cardamom.

Put some cloves and cardamom seeds in a cloth bag, then tie the bag. Place the bag between the layers of clothing you want to smell good. The smell will absorb into the fabric.

2. Pandan leaves.

Pandan leaves have a fragrant aroma. Wash the pandan leaves then put them in a cloth bag and place them between your clothes.

3. Orange peel.

Orange peel contains fragrant essential oils. Dry the orange peels well, then put them in a cloth bag and place between clothes.

4. Cinnamon.

Cinnamon sticks have a distinctive aroma. Place a few cinnamon sticks between clothes to give them a pleasant scent.

5. Lavender.

Lavender flowers have a calming aroma. You can use dried lavender flowers or lavender essential oil to scent your clothes. Simply put a few drops of lavender essential oil on a cloth or cloth bag and place it between clothes.

Make sure to check your skin's sensitivity to these ingredients before using them extensively, especially if you have sensitive skin.

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