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30 April 2024 10:00

No need to sprinkle it with citrus, the trick for washing dirty towels to make them clean again is just to use 2 kitchen ingredients

There are also those who use a towel to dry their hands after cleaning. Shahfara Raida

Brilio.net - Towels are very useful for drying a wet body after bathing. On the other hand, there are also those who use a towel to dry their hands after cleaning. The reason is, towels have thick fabric fibers, so they absorb water quickly.

However, when a towel is used frequently, the color can turn dirty . This dirty process can be caused by too much dirt accumulating.

Usually, if a towel is already dirty, it won't be clean just by washing it with water and detergent . It's not surprising that many people choose to wash their towels using citrus, right?

Citrus or what is often known as citric acid contains quite high levels of acid. That way, this material is able to remove stubborn stains on fabric.

However, if you have difficulty finding citrus fruits, don't worry, you know. After all, there are kitchen ingredients that you can use to wash dirty towels. The method was shared by netizen TikTok user @imatilah0.

First, place the dirty towels you want to wash in a bucket or basin. Then, add the first kitchen ingredient to practice this method, namely hot water. The owner of the TikTok account @imatilah0 explained that it is best to use hot water that has just boiled so that it is more effective in removing stains on towels.

Next, add the second kitchen ingredient, namely enough dishwashing soap. Once done, stir using a stick, spatula, or other tool until all the ingredients are mixed evenly with the towel and the soap produces foam. Then, let it sit until the water is no longer hot.

"The water is getting cloudy," said the owner of the TikTok account @imatilah0, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (29/4).

photo: TikTok/@imatilah0

After soaking in cold water, remove the towel and brush for a few moments to remove any remaining stains. Finally, rinse, wring and hang the towel to dry. The owner of the TikTok account @imatilah0 said that his dirty towels were shiny again like new.

photo: TikTok/@imatilah0

How about it, it's really simple to wash dirty towels so they're clean again, right? Taking a peek at @imatilah0's TikTok upload, there are no comments from netizens yet, but this video has received a lot of enthusiasm with more than 2,000 viewers, you know.

Can dish soap be used to wash clothes?

Yes, dish soap can be used to wash clothes in an emergency or if you run out of special detergent. However, you have to pay attention to several things:

1. Content.

Dish soaps are usually stronger and may contain ingredients that may not be suitable for clothing, such as fragrances or thickeners.

2. Violence.

Dish soap may be harsher and less gentle than laundry detergent, so it can damage clothing fibers, especially sensitive or delicate clothing.

3. Bleaching.

Some dish soaps contain bleaching agents that can fade or damage the color of colored clothing.

So, while dish soap can be used in emergency situations, it is best to stick to laundry detergent to wash clothes regularly for better results and to maintain the durability of clothes.

How do you make more dishwashing soap yourself?

You can make your own dishwashing soap with natural ingredients at home. Here is a simple recipe for making your own dish soap:

Natural dishwashing soap recipe:

- 1 cup liquid castile soap (for example, peppermint Castile soap)
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 tablespoon essential oil (optional, to provide aroma)
- 1 tablespoon baking soda (optional, to increase cleaning power)

1. Mix liquid castile soap and warm water in a container.
2. If you want to add additional aroma, add the essential oil of your choice to the soap mixture.
3. If you want to increase the cleaning power, add baking soda to the soap mixture.
4. Stir the mixture evenly until all ingredients are mixed well.
5. Pour the soap mixture into a suitable bottle or container.
6. Use this natural dishwashing soap as usual to wash dishes.

By making your own dish soap, you can control the ingredients and avoid excessive chemicals. Plus, it can also be an environmentally friendly choice!

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