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17 Juli 2024 14:00

No need to panic, the trick to get rid of oil stains on clothes is to use 1 kitchen ingredient that is auto clean and abrasive

Oil stains on clothes will lift and disappear to the inside. Ida Setyaningsih
foto: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Brilio.net - When you are eating or cooking in the kitchen, sometimes unexpected events occur, such as oil spilling on the clothes you are wearing. Not infrequently, this annoys many people. Moreover, oil is a substance that is quite difficult to deal with once it sticks to clothes.

If not treated immediately, the oil will absorb into the clothes and leave stubborn stains that are difficult to remove . Even if you wash it using detergent, often the oil stains still persist.

If this happens, you don't need to panic because there are tricks you can try using one of the kitchen ingredients. This trick was shared by the owner of the Instagram account @rumah_shahia. Through his video upload, he revealed that he could clean oil stains on clothes using wheat flour.

" DON'T PANIC! Tips for cleaning oil stains on clothes ," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumah_shahia, Wednesday (17/7).

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

The first step, prepare the clothes that are stained with oil, then spread the clothes on the floor or a flat place. After that, also prepare the flour and spoon. Sprinkle flour over the oil stain, spread it evenly with a spoon until all the oil stain on the clothes is covered by the flour. Leave it for 3-5 minutes so that the flour can absorb the oil on the clothes completely.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

After 3 to 5 minutes, the flour will turn into lumps that combine with the oil. Clean the lumps using your hands or a spoon. In the video, you can see the oil stains on the clothes starting to disappear.

photo: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Then, wet the clothes with running water and add dish soap, then spread it onto the remaining oil stains. Rub the clothes with your hands and rinse as usual. That way, the oil stains on the clothes will be lifted and disappeared from the inside. It's very easy, isn't it?

You can practice this method at home, but if you don't have a stock of wheat flour at home, you can also use other kitchen ingredients, you know. The account owner explained that another kitchen ingredient that can be used is baking soda.

"Is there another way to clean the oil on the floor? It's a shame to use flour, you sprinkle it with baking soda," wrote the account @rumah_shahia.

To do this, wipe the oil stain using an old newspaper until the oil is lifted from the clothes and absorbed into the newspaper. Then, sprinkle baking soda on the oil stain. Then, wet the clothes and wash them with dishwashing soap as usual. That way, clothes will be clean and dry.

This content received a lot of responses from netizens, and many admitted that they had just learned about this trick. Not a few people want to practice it at home. If you are interested in trying tricks with which kitchen ingredients?

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