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12 Februari 2024 18:00

No need to heat it on fire, this is a trick to remove the burnt crust on the bottom of the wok using 3 kitchen ingredients

Over time, the burnt stain will crust over and become more difficult to clean. Nadhifah
YouTube/Dapur Cemilan

Brilio.net - A frying pan is one of the cooking utensils that is used almost every day. Therefore, it's not surprising that frying pans get dirty very quickly. Especially the buttocks or bottom.

The concave bottom of the frying pan is always directly exposed to the stove fire. If you just leave it like that, over time the burnt stain will harden and become more difficult to clean.

Knowing this, a number of people deliberately smear the bottom of the frying pan with various cleaning agents and then heat it over a stove fire. This method is thought to soften the burnt crust on the bottom of the pan.

After investigating, it turns out there are other ways to clean the bottom of a frying pan other than heating it on the stove . This method was demonstrated by YouTube user Dapur Snacks. In his uploaded video, he only relies on three kitchen ingredients.

What are the ingredients and how?

Tricks to remove scale from the bottom of the pan in a simple way

First, pour three kitchen ingredients, namely dishwashing soap, baking soda, and table vinegar into the dirty bottom of the pan.

"This is because it meets baking soda, there is foam. This is what makes the crust on the bottom of the pan so it is easy to clean later," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Dapur Snacks on Monday (12/2).

photo: YouTube/Kitchen Snacks

So that the cleaning solution can work optimally, first let the pan sit for 30 minutes. After leaving it for 30 minutes, the pan doesn't need to be heated on the stove. But, just scrape off the burnt crust on the bottom of the pan.

"We peel it off really quickly because it's been left in the cleaning solution," said the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/Kitchen Snacks

Once all the burnt crust is gone, scrub the bottom of the pan using a wire sponge. If so, the pan can be rinsed immediately with running water.

As a result, the appearance of the pan immediately changes. Initially full of burnt crust, now it shines like new again.

photo: YouTube/Kitchen Snacks

It looks the same as when you first bought it, right?

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