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21 Agustus 2024 23:59

No need to add vinegar, this is how to wash clothes so they are cleaner and drier, relying on 1 kitchen ingredient

Because of its sour aroma, vinegar is considered too strong and disturbing. Shahfara Raida

Brilio.net - Washing clothes is a routine activity at home, whether every day, every 3 days, or even once a week. Generally, clothes are mixed with detergent and water when washed. However, there are also those who add other ingredients so that the results of washing clothes are even cleaner .

One of them is vinegar, which is often a kitchen ingredient to add when washing clothes. Vinegar is believed to make clothes cleaner and softer. However, some people avoid using vinegar because the sour aroma is considered too strong and disturbing.

Well, if you don't want to add vinegar, just follow the clothes washing trick from TikTok user @fikriya.rama. This mother said that there is another kitchen ingredient that is effective in making clothes cleaner and drier. The aroma is also not disturbing, you know.

photo: TikTok/@fikriya.rama

You can practice this trick when washing clothes with a washing machine or manually scrubbed by hand. So, in addition to detergent, you can add enough dish soap to wash clothes. Yup, this dish soap is the main kitchen ingredient to practice this trick.

photo: TikTok/@fikriya.rama

After washing with additional dish soap, continue to wring out all the clothes and drain them using the spinner in the washing machine.

"Automatically foams, cleaner and drier," said the owner of the TikTok account @fikriya.rama, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (21/8).

photo: TikTok/@fikriya.rama

If there is no more detergent and soap stuck to the clothes, you can soak the clothes in water with a fabric softener solution. Use a type of fragrance with your favorite scent so that the clothes are more comfortable when used later. Finally, drain the clothes and hang them to dry.

So, are you interested in trying this laundry trick or do you have another trick? Peeking at @fikriya.rama's TikTok upload which has been viewed 3 million times, many netizens left enthusiastic comments about this laundry trick, you know.

"Why did I just find out?" said TikTok @SITI JULAEHA and was answered by the video owner, "Washing dirty lepis is so much fun."

"Hahaha, I just wear mama lemon shoes," said TikTok @ladyvegance.

"Oh, it's true, at school my clothes were spilled with soto sauce, then I washed them with clean sunlight and there were no traces of them," said TikTok @cockroach milk.

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