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11 April 2024 19:00

No need to add salt, here's a trick for mopping oily floors so they're rough and clean, plus 1 kitchen ingredient

Usually, the kitchen area is the dirtiest because it is often exposed to oil or spilled cooking spices. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
No need to add salt, here's a trick for mopping oily floors so they're rough and clean, plus 1 kitchen ingredient Instagram/@yantifuchsia

Brilio.net - Mopping the floor must be done regularly to keep the house clean and comfortable. However, sometimes due to busy schedules, the floors are rarely mopped and cleaned. As a result, the floor of the house becomes dirty and oily. Usually, the kitchen area is the dirtiest because it is often exposed to oil or spilled cooking spices.

If it has been exposed to oil spills or other dirt, the floor will be difficult to clean again and will become rough even if it has been mopped using cleaning fluid. Finally, some people choose to add additional materials when mopping the floor . This ingredient is salt. It is believed that this kitchen ingredient can help remove stubborn stains and make the floor smooth again.

But if you don't want the salt stock at home to be wasted, you can still try other tricks that are no less effective, you know. This trick was demonstrated by a netizen via the Instagram account @yantifuchsia. This woman admitted that she didn't add salt when mopping the floor. Instead, he relied on other kitchen materials to make the floor rough.

Tricks for mopping oily floors to make them clean, add 1 kitchen ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @yantifuchsia on Thursday (11/4), the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. Apart from that, he also uses hot water and floor cleaning fluid.

photo: Instagram/@yantifuchsia

"I'm curious to see people mopping with hot water. Pour hot water into the mop container. Add enough floor cleaning fluid and dish soap," he said.

First, prepare a mop model. On the other hand, boil water in a pan. When it boils, pour hot water into the mop container. Then add enough floor cleaning fluid and dish soap. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

photo: Instagram/@yantifuchsia

"Be careful of the heat. When mopping this way, it is recommended to use a mop model. It is not recommended to use a manual wring mop," he added.

Next, the woman immediately used the mixture of ingredients that had been prepared earlier to mop the entire floor of the house. According to him, the mixture of cleaning agents is effective in making oily kitchen floors become rough again.

photo: Instagram/@yantifuchsia

"I saw people mopping with hot water yesterday. Because I was curious, I finally tried it. Mix it with floor cleaner and dish washing soap. The results are really effective and remove dirt and oil more quickly," he concluded.

This video of tricks for mopping the first floor has been watched 14 thousand times. The comments column of the woman's upload was flooded with comments from netizens who were enthusiastic about this trick.

"Great tips, Cici Maaci," said the account @filanigunady.

"It's true that I also use hot water, Mom, it's better as a non-greasy mat, especially in the kitchen," said the account @felicia_tjiang.

"It's nice and clean straight away," commented the account @melaniselvia.

"Next you have to try it in the kitchen," said the account @josephine.gabby.

"Eh, I also use this," wrote the account @fiony.stacey.

How to care for a mop so that it lasts a long time.

To care for your mop so that it is durable and long-lasting, you can follow the following tips.

1. Wash the mop regularly.

Wash the mop regularly, especially after using it to clean dirty surfaces. Use warm water and mild detergent to clean it.

2. Do not use bleach.

Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals when washing your mop, as this can damage the fabric fibers and cause them to deteriorate quickly.

3. Dry well.

After washing, dry the mop by hanging it or drying it in a place protected from direct sunlight. Avoid drying using a hot dryer.

4. Keep it clean.

Make sure the mop is stored in a clean and dry condition. Avoid storing mops that are still wet or damp, because this can cause the growth of fungus or bacteria.

5. Avoid excessive use.

Use the mop efficiently and avoid using it to clean rough or gritty surfaces which can damage the fabric fibers.

6. Store well.

Store the mop in a dry place protected from dust and dirt. Use a closed container or storage area to keep the mop clean.

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