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13 Juni 2024 17:00

No need for chemical liquids, this is a trick to get rid of weeds permanently so they don't grow anymore using 3 kitchen ingredients

It can cause grass to dry out and not grow anymore. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Wild grass that grows in the yard often makes the yard look dirty . Even if it has been removed or cleaned, this weed will usually grow again in a matter of days. Therefore, cleaning up wild grass is often a chore that must be done regularly so that the yard is always clean.

However, apart from cleaning it manually, there are also a number of people who choose to use the fast method. One way is to use a chemical weed killer. This is considered to cause the grass to dry out and not grow anymore.

But instead of buying chemical liquids, you can actually use simple ingredients to kill weeds so they dry quickly, you know. This material was used by Instagram user @planteria.id. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on simple ingredients in the kitchen.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @planteria.id on Thursday (13/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are salt, table vinegar and dishwashing soap. To do this, just prepare 500 ml of water in a large container. After that, add 3 tablespoons of salt and 25 tablespoons of dish soap. Stir it first.

photo: Instagram/@planteria.id

Next, put 1 bottle of table vinegar into the container. After that, stir again slowly until all the ingredients are mixed evenly. If so, transfer it to a spray bottle to make it easier to use.

photo: Instagram/@planteria.id

The next step, spray the liquid directly onto the weeds in the yard. Do this carefully and don't get it in your eyes because it can cause irritation. After spraying, wait until the day.

"The next day it was dry," said Instagram @planteria.id.

photo: Instagram/@planteria.id

Reporting from birdsandblooms.com, salt (sodium chloride) can interfere with the absorption of water and soil nutrients. In addition, vinegar (acetic acid) is corrosive and can burn plant tissue and disrupt soil pH. On the other hand, dish soap can help lower the surface tension of water and damage the protective layer of leaves. Therefore, the grass will immediately dry out and not grow anymore when watered with this liquid.

photo: Instagram/@planteria.id

Having been watched more than 656 thousand times, this video about tricks for eliminating weeds immediately caught the attention of netizens. Looking at the comments column, many other Instagram users claim to have the same problem. Therefore, the tricks shared in the video are very useful to imitate.

"Wow, what a coincidence, I was waiting to buy an online item that exterminates wild plants... Eh, suddenly the information I've been waiting for appears... But try it... I hope it works and if it works or not I'll let you know," explained Instagram @dhy.dewihandayani.

"MaasyaAllah...the knowledge is very useful," said Instagram @zelineenin.

"Thanks for the info, I was tired of asking the handyman to clean the grass, 2 weeks later it was growing again, really need to try it," wrote Instagram @liahpadliah.

"Thank God... Thank you Min for the information. Tired of mowing down weeds that always grow," commented the Instagram account @denny_herawann.

"Yes, I once sprayed pests with salt, the caterpillars didn't die but the leaves just withered," said Instagram @ramdaninaufa.

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