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27 April 2024 10:30

Just use 1 kitchen ingredient, this is a simple trick to make dull and rusty scissors razor sharp

Scissors become dull and rusty due to improper use, exposure to high humidity, and not being cared for properly. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - The high intensity of using scissors makes this tool very easy to get blunt or even rust. Dull and rusty scissors can be a serious problem because they reduce the efficiency and quality of the cut. Some common causes of scissors becoming dull and rusty include improper use, exposure to high humidity, and not being cared for properly.

One of the main causes of scissors becoming dull is that they are often used incorrectly. For example, when used to cut hard or rough items, it can damage the cutting edge, making it dull more quickly. Even the protective layer of scissors can be damaged if, you know.

Dull and rusty scissors are eventually thrown away. But actually, there is a simple trick you can do to make your scissors sharp like a razor again. This trick was shared by Instagram user @skill.rumahan through one of the uploaded videos.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @skill.rumahan on Saturday (27/4), the first thing to do is heat up the scissors. More precisely, burn the scissors right over the stove fire. Do this process for a few minutes until the scissors are evenly hot.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

Next, mix a little dish soap and water in a container. Then insert the scissors that were burned earlier. Make sure the rusty part is completely submerged, okay? Then let it sit for approximately 8 hours.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

After soaking for 8 hours, rub the scissors, especially the rusty parts, with a stone. While rubbing it to remove the rust, also sharpen the knife to make it sharper. Finally, wipe the scissors clean before ready to use them.

"The result is that the scissors are sharper, like buying them new at the store," said Instagram @skill.rumahan.

photo: Instagram/@skill.rumahan

This video about tricks for dealing with dull and rusty scissors has been viewed more than 3 million times. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users are interested and also provide other responses in the comments column. Some of them even shared other suggestions for sharpening scissors.

"Snip the edge of the glass 3-10 times and it will immediately sharpen hahaha," said Instagram @rizza_m.a.

"This model of scissors really gets blunt easily... I have blue... I didn't throw it away straight away," said Instagram @imam_mukidi.

"My scissors won't rust but they won't make really blunt scissors. Try it," said Instagram @ifaulaifah.

"Just rub it with vinegar, the rust will immediately disappear," explained Instagram @weni_sarwadi.

"Thanks for giving the best advice," said Instagram @zai_nab1330.

Tips for sharpening scissors.

Sharpening scissors is an important step to maintain the quality of the cut. Here are nine tips for sharpening your scissors.

1. Use a sharpening stone.

A whetstone is an ideal tool for sharpening scissors. Wet the sharpening stone with water and slide the tip of the scissors over it in a steady, uniform motion.

2. Use a razor blade.

A razor blade can be used to sharpen the blunt side of scissors. Carefully slide the razor blade along the edge of the scissors to remove any dull metal deposits.

3. Use foil.

Fold the piece of foil several times and use scissors to cut it several times. This process can help sharpen scissors quickly.

4. Slide the scissors across the paper.

Cut the paper with scissors several times. This cutting movement can help sharpen the scissor blades.

5. Use an iron rod.

Slide the scissors across the surface of the iron bar at the right angle to help sharpen it.

6. Clean scissors regularly.

Remains of adhesive or material on the scissors can make them dull. Clean scissors regularly to avoid this.

7. Store scissors properly.

Store scissors in a safe and secure place so that they are not scratched or obstructed during use.

8. Check for damage.

Check the scissors periodically to ensure there is no damage or other imperfections that could interfere with their performance.

9. Use it professionally.

If your scissors are very dull or damaged, it is better to hand them over to a scissor expert to have them sharpened again. This can ensure that your scissors are sharpened properly and safe to use.

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