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7 Februari 2024 16:00

Just add 2 kitchen ingredients, this is how to remove yellow stains in the bathtub without brushing

This way the process of cleaning the bathtub is easier and less energy consuming. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
foto: TikTok/@mbak_ika96

Brilio.net - A number of people choose to use ceramic bathtubs because the surface is smooth and easy to maintain. Even though it is easy to clean, yellow stains on the bathtub often make you anxious, especially at the bottom. These stains can arise due to accumulated dust and dirt, as a result of handling it too late or not cleaning it immediately.

As a result, the water flowing in the bath becomes dirty and cannot be used. So, to overcome this, a number of people choose to clean it by brushing it with soap or detergent. However, if the yellowing stain is stubborn, this method is less effective.

But don't worry, there are still ways you can try to remove yellow stains in the bathtub . This easy trick was uploaded by TikTok user @mbak_ika96. Through one of his uploads, he showed the condition of his bathtub which was filled with yellow stains.

How to remove yellow stains from the bathtub without brushing

But instead of brushing it with soap, he actually used two kitchen ingredients to clean the tub, namely baking soda and dish soap. Apart from baking soda and dish soap, he also added lemon and hot water to remove the stain.

Dish washing soap and baking soda are known to be quite effective in removing stains on the surface of objects. Dish washing soap is known to contain texaphon which can help remove grease and dirt. Meanwhile, baking soda contains salt which is abrasive so it is effective for removing stubborn stains.

How to remove yellow stains from the bathtub without brushing

To do this, mix citrus powder with baking soda, dishwashing soap and enough hot water. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed. It is believed that a mixture of these four ingredients can help remove yellow stains in the bathtub. Next, the TikTok user applies cleaning fluid to the bottom of the bathtub with the help of a brush.

How to remove yellow stains from the bathtub without brushing

It didn't take long, after being smeared with cleaning fluid, the yellow stains on the bathtub slowly began to fade. He continued the cleaning process over the entire surface of the bathtub. Not only that, he also applied cleaning fluid to the bathroom door, toilet and dirty bathroom tiles.

How to remove yellow stains from the bathtub without brushing

After being given the cleaning fluid, rinse the bathtub with clean water until the dirt is completely removed. The TikTok user also rinsed the door, toilet and ceramics which had previously been treated with cleaning fluid. As a result, the yellow stains in the bathtub completely disappeared. The overall appearance of the bathroom also becomes clean and bright again.

This way, you don't need to bother brushing the bathtub manually to remove stubborn yellow stains. Just use a mixture of citrus, dish soap, baking soda and hot water, the stain will immediately come off.

You also don't need to spend a lot of money to buy chemical cleaning fluids and can use several kitchen ingredients that are easy to find at home. Easy enough, right?

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