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25 Maret 2024 13:00

Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is how to remove black stains and rust from the sink so it shines again

Regular care and maintenance is very important to prevent the sink from turning black and rusting. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - The sink is one of the kitchen areas that is always damp. How could it not be, the washing activity carried out in the sink exposes him to continuous exposure to water. This allows the sink to become an ideal place for bacteria and fungus to grow.

Well, bacteria and fungi that have contaminated the sink will usually leave black stains. Apart from that, surrounding environmental conditions, such as humid air or the presence of certain chemicals in water, can also influence the sink's tendency to rust and become full of black stains. Therefore, regular care and maintenance is essential to prevent this problem.

Unfortunately, a sink that is already full of black stains and rust cannot be cleaned easily. You need special tricks to remove black stains and rust from the sink. One ingredient that is often used is porcelain cleaning fluid.

However, even though it can remove black stains and rust, porcelain cleaning fluid usually leaves residue which actually makes the sink look blurry and dull. Instead, you can use a sink cleaning trick like Instagram user @sabakimia does.

Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only used simple ingredients to remove black stains and rust from the sink.

How to remove black stains and rust from your sink so it shines again.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @sabakimia on Sunday (24/3), the cleaning agent in question is citrus powder. However, there is also one additional ingredient that comes from the kitchen, namely dishwashing soap.

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

To use these two ingredients, you simply mix them together in a glass or container. Then dissolve it with enough water. If so, immediately apply it to all parts of the sink, especially in areas full of black and crusty stains.

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

While it is applied, rub the sink area with an old toothbrush. If there are stubborn stains, you can let the liquid sit first after applying it. After that, rub again until it is completely clean. Finally, rinse the sink with running water.

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

Basically, a mixture of citrus and dish soap can help remove stubborn stains such as rust and black spots on the sink. However, these two ingredients will not leave residue that makes the sink blurry, you know. Therefore, this material is safe to use continuously.

How? Easy enough, right? If the condition of the sink in your house is quite dirty and full of black stains or rust, you can easily practice this method. You can also get citrus, which is one of the ingredients, at the nearest grocery store or minimarket. So, are you interested in trying it?

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A post shared by Saba Kimia (@sabakimia)

Easy way to deal with a clogged sink.

A clogged sink can be an annoying problem at home. Overcoming a clogged sink can be quite easy with the following methods:

1. Use natural ingredients.

Mix baking soda with vinegar and pour it down the drain. Let the reaction foam, then rinse with hot water. This can help loosen the blockage.

2. Use a vacuum.

If you have a small vacuum, use it to pull the clog out of the drain.

3. Use wire.

If the blockage occurs near the surface, use a straight wire to try to remove it.

4. Check the blocking device.

Make sure the filter or other blocking device is not full of debris that could clog the drain.

5. Wash with hot water.

Sometimes, it is enough to pour hot water down the drain to dissolve the clogged grease or oil.

6. Use a baking soda solution.

Mix baking soda with hot water and pour it down the drain. Leave it for a few hours before rinsing with hot water.

7. Use a drain opener.

If the blockage is severe, you may need to use a stronger drain opener, but use it carefully and according to the instructions.

8. Check the siphon.

Open the sink siphon and clean it if there is dirt clogged.

9. Call a professional.

If none of the above works, you may need to call a professional to clear the blockage thoroughly.

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