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16 Agustus 2024 09:00

Just 5 minutes, this trick to remove the fishy smell from the floor cloth makes the floor as clean as possible

The problem of fishy smell on the mop cloth is usually caused by the accumulation of dirt, soap residue. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - A mop is an important tool in maintaining the cleanliness of the house floor, especially in areas that are often dirty such as the kitchen. By routinely mopping the floor, you can ensure that the house remains clean and free from dirt and bacteria. However, although it looks simple, the use of a mop often faces a fairly annoying problem, namely the fishy smell that appears after several uses.

The problem of a fishy smell on a mop is usually caused by a buildup of dirt, soap residue, and moisture that is not completely removed after use. When the mop is not dried properly or left damp, bacteria and mold can grow quickly. This results in an unpleasant odor that spreads throughout the house when reused.

This odor not only reduces the effectiveness of mopping, but also causes discomfort and indicates that the mop may be contaminated. So to be more sterile, you need to wash it thoroughly to make it cleaner and odor-free.

If you are confused, you can imitate the tutorial shared by Instagram user @cantiqakemiri in one of the uploaded videos. Reported by BrilioFood on Wednesday (8/14), the netizen admitted that it only took 5 minutes to remove the fishy smell from the mop. This fishy smell is removed only with kitchen ingredients, namely dishwashing soap, salt, and baking soda.

tricks to remove fishy smell from mop cloth

How to use it, just put the mop in the bucket. Then pour dish soap, 1 tbsp salt, and 1 tsp baking soda to taste. If so, pour warm water and stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed. Then let it sit for about 5 minutes or until the water is cold.

tricks to remove fishy smell from mop cloth

Then lift the mop. Then rub it using a brush or rub it until the stain is gone. The last step, rinse the mop until it is completely clean. That way, the mop can be dried in the sun until dry or used to clean the floor. Guaranteed the floor is free from fishy odor and becomes maximally clean.

tricks to remove fishy smell from mop cloth

Basically, salt, baking soda, and dish soap are effective in removing fishy odors from mops because each of these ingredients has cleaning properties. Salt is a natural abrasive that can erode and lift dirt and bacteria that stick to the fibers of the mop. In addition, salt has antiseptic properties, which help kill odor-causing bacteria.

On the other hand, baking soda is known for its ability to absorb odors. This is because baking soda is a base that can neutralize acids, which are often the main components of bad odors.

In addition, dish soap contains powerful cleaning agents, such as surfactants, which are effective in removing oil, grease, and dirt from the mop. Fishy odors usually come from grease or oil residue left on the cloth after mopping an oily or dirty area. Well, dish soap helps dissolve and remove these remaining stains, leaving the mop clean and odor-free.

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