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26 Juli 2024 03:00

It won't make you stupid even though it contains MSG, here are 9 myths about instant noodles that often make you fool

Various myths circulating often make some people afraid of consuming instant noodles. Nadhifah
foto: pexels.com

Brilio.net - Instant noodles , as a practical and cheap fast food, have become a favorite of many people. However, despite its popularity, instant noodles are often debated regarding their impact on health. Various myths circulating often give rise to unfounded fears.

The reason is, it is common knowledge that instant noodles contain quite high amounts of MSG. MSG or monosodium glutamate is a substance used as a flavoring. This MSG is found in instant noodle seasoning and is in the form of white crystals with a salty taste, providing a sensation in the mouth that can improve taste and cause addiction.

In each pack of instant noodles with an average weight of around 65 grams, there is usually around 0.3 milligrams of MSG contained in the instant noodle seasoning. So is it true that the MSG content in instant noodles can cause stupidity? Here are nine myths about instant noodles that often make you fooled, BrilioFood reported from various sources on Friday (26/7).

1. Instant noodles contain MSG which makes you stupid.

photo: pexels.com

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that is widely used in various types of food, including instant noodles. MSG contains glutamate, an amino acid that is also found naturally in foods such as tomatoes, cheese and mushrooms.

Many studies show that moderate consumption of MSG is not harmful for most people. There is no strong scientific evidence to show that MSG causes decreased cognitive function or makes you stupid. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States have deemed MSG safe for consumption.

2. Instant noodles cause cancer.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that instant noodles directly cause cancer . This concern may stem from the use of preservatives and chemicals in instant noodle packaging. While it is true that some chemicals can be carcinogenic in large amounts, the amounts used in food are usually very small and within safe limits permitted by food regulatory agencies.

3. Instant noodles contain wax.

photo: freepik.com

This myth claims that instant noodles are coated with wax to maintain their shape and extend their shelf life. In fact, instant noodles are not coated with wax. Instant noodles usually go through a frying or drying process to increase their shelf life. This process does not involve the use of wax, and there is no evidence that instant noodles contain wax that could be harmful to health.

4. Instant noodles contain no nutrients.

Instant noodles are generally low in fiber, vitamins and minerals, but that doesn't mean they don't contain any nutrients at all. Some brands of instant noodles even add vitamins and minerals to increase their nutritional value. However, instant noodles cannot be considered the main source of nutrition and should be consumed together with other more nutritious foods, such as vegetables, protein and sources of fiber.

5. Instant noodles damage digestion.

photo: pexels.com

There is no scientific evidence to show that instant noodles damage digestion. However, excessive consumption without sufficient fiber intake can cause digestive problems such as constipation. Combining instant noodles with vegetables and other fibrous foods can help maintain digestive health.

6. Instant noodles contain a lot of trans fat.

Fried instant noodles do contain fat, but the amount of trans fat is usually small and within safe limits. Several brands of instant noodles are starting to use the air drying method to reduce fat content. Consumers can check nutrition labels to determine the fat content in the products they purchase.

7. Instant noodles increase the risk of heart disease.

photo: pexels.com

Excessive consumption of instant noodles that are high in sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure, which in turn can increase the risk of heart disease. However, this does not mean that instant noodles directly cause heart disease. Reducing the use of spices and choosing instant noodles with lower sodium content can help reduce this risk.

8. Instant noodles should not be consumed by pregnant women.

Pregnant women can consume instant noodles in moderate amounts, but it is best to balance it with other nutritious foods to ensure adequate nutritional intake for fetal development. Consumption of instant noodles should be limited and balanced with healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit and protein.

9. Instant noodles are difficult to digest and stay in the stomach for hours.

photo: pexels.com

There is no scientific evidence to support that instant noodles are difficult to digest or stay in the stomach longer than other foods. The normal digestive process usually takes the same amount of time for different types of food. Digestion of instant noodles is similar to other processed foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fat.

In conclusion, instant noodles are a practical food that is often misunderstood because of various myths circulating. Consuming them in moderate amounts and combining them with other nutritious foods can make instant noodles part of a healthy diet.

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