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9 Juni 2024 14:29

Instead of using ground coffee, this is a trick to get rid of rice lice using only 2 kitchen ingredients

If you misplace your rice stock, dirt and animals such as fleas can appear. Ida Setyaningsih
Instead of using ground coffee, this is a trick to get rid of rice lice using only 2 kitchen ingredients Instagram/@asahid_tehyung

Brilio.net - Rice is people's daily staple food. In fact, some people think that if they haven't eaten rice, it doesn't mean they can't be considered eating. Apart from making you full, rice does have good nutrition for the body, as long as it is not consumed in excess, OK? It's not surprising that many people often stock up on rice at home.

But if you misplace your rice stock, dirt and animals such as fleas can appear, you know. The presence of rice lice is often an annoying problem. This will definitely give you a headache, because rice lice are difficult to eradicate.

On the other hand, the appearance of rice lice can also damage the quality of rice and make it unfit for consumption. Even though rice bugs don't bite humans, they reduce your appetite because of the presence of insects in your food, right?

In the end, many people racked their brains on how to get rid of rice lice. One way is to use ground coffee. The very strong aroma of coffee is thought to be undesirable to rice lice.

However, is there another more effective way?

Yup, it turns out there is. You don't have to use coffee, you can use two other kitchen ingredients. These kitchen ingredients are cloves and vinegar. It turns out that these two ingredients which have a distinctive aroma are also not liked by rice lice, you know.

How to get rid of rice lice using cloves and vinegar was shared by Instagram account user @asahid_tehyung.

How to get rid of rice lice without coffee grounds.

photo: Instagram/@asahid_tehyung

First, prepare the rice from which you want to remove lice. Then prepare a container that has long dimensions such as a glass tray. Then fill the tray with sufficient water. This is to trap the rice lice that you want to get rid of.

photo: Instagram/@asahid_tehyung

After that, prepare a container to accommodate the infested rice. Make sure, this container has smaller dimensions than the container containing water, OK? After that, put the rice container on a tray filled with water.

photo: Instagram/@asahid_tehyung

Then, prepare another small container such as a bowl. Then, put the bowl in the middle of the rice. After that, fill the bowl with the first kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar.

Apart from vinegar, you also need to add a second kitchen ingredient, namely cloves. Prepare some cloves then spread them in several corners of the rice.

These two kitchen ingredients are used so that annoying rice lice can come out of the pile of rice. The combination of cloves and vinegar will produce a strong aroma. Well, the rice lice don't like the aroma, so the small animals will climb out of the container.

photo: Instagram/@asahid_tehyung

Next, so that the rice lice don't stick to the side of the container, make a bridge for the rice lice. You can use paper or tissue, then combine it with rice and water.

That way, the rice lice will climb onto the bridge and sink into the water. Now, rice lice can be removed from rice at home. It's very easy, isn't it?

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