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23 Desember 2024 22:00

Instead of swallowing bananas, this is an easy way to remove fish bones stuck in your throat using 1 ingredient.

To deal with fish bones stuck in the throat, there are a number of ways that can be done. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of swallowing bananas, this is an easy way to remove fish bones stuck in your throat using 1 ingredient. YouTube/bugis tanete; pixabay.com

Brilio.net - Getting a fish bone stuck in your throat is a common occurrence and can make anyone panic. This problem usually occurs because of carelessness when eating fish, rushing when eating, or inadequate lighting when eating. Although it seems trivial, choking on a fish bone can cause discomfort that is quite disruptive to activities.

If the fish bone that is stuck is not immediately handled properly, the risk can be quite serious. Sharp spines can injure the throat wall and cause infection. In more severe cases, swelling can occur that interferes with the process of swallowing and breathing.

There are many traditional ways that people often do to overcome fish bones that are stuck. Starting from swallowing rice that is made into balls, drinking lots of water, to eating bananas in the hope that the bones will be pushed into the stomach. However, not all of these methods are effective and some can even worsen the condition if not done carefully.

There is another way you can do it, you know. This was once conveyed by YouTube user bugis tanete. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only using one kitchen ingredient. Curious about what the ingredient is?

As reported by BrilioFood on Monday (23/12), the kitchen ingredient used is salt. However, this salt must be dissolved in water first. In the video, he uses enough warm water that has been placed in a glass.

photo: YouTube/bugis tanete

Well, after that, add enough salt into the warm water. Then stir until the salt dissolves. If so, this warm water is ready to drink.

photo: YouTube/bugis tanete

Basically, warm water will help soften the fish bones that are stuck in the throat. That way, the fish bones will fall into the stomach along with the warm water. This method is effective when stuck with fish bones that are in the form of fine spines or bones that tend to be soft.

"And if the fish bones have been there overnight, it will usually be easier to remove them using warm water mixed with salt," explained YouTube Bugis Tanete.

photo: YouTube/bugis tanete

In addition to using salt, the YouTube user also shared another method for removing fish bones . The method is to cough as hard as possible. When coughing hard, the fish bone stuck in the throat will come out of the mouth. This method is often effective for removing fish bones stuck at the tip of the tongue.

This video about the trick to remove fish bones has been watched more than 898 thousand times. Who would have thought, many YouTube netizens were greatly helped by the existence of this video. In fact, most of them admitted that they had succeeded in applying this trick to remove fish bones from the throat.

"Thank you, bro, the tips are proven to be effective in treating this. I hope you are always healthy and have abundant fortune," said YouTube @megazeofficial2618.

"Thank you for the knowledge, bro... we have practiced it and it's true that there are no more thorns stuck... Hopefully this channel can be successful and develop well," said YouTube @firqohnajiyah4164.

"Thank God, the bone that was stuck in my neck was finally released thanks to watching this video. Thank you to the kind people who gave me the tips," said YouTube @dedahmitra11sentulcity87.

"Thank you bro, very helpful," said YouTube @luhresmiasih7886.

"It works, bro, thanks for the tips," said YouTube @ellieel5744.

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