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20 Mei 2024 14:00

Instead of sticking it with a rubber band, this is how to stop leaking LPG gas cylinders using 1 simple tool

Stop LPG gas leaks easily. Shahfara Raida
Facebook/Skill rumahan

Brilio.net - When you have finished replacing an LPG gas cylinder, the cylinder may suddenly leak. Very annoying, especially when you have prepared all the cooking ingredients. Not a few people are confused about how to deal with this leaking LPG gas cylinder, in the end they don't cook until reinforcements arrive.

In fact, without calling other people to help, you can deal with a leaking LPG gas cylinder yourself using the tools available at home, you know. For example, you can insert pieces of old sandals, rubber bands, or other tools into the gas cylinder hole to stop the leak.

However, home users of Facebook Skill accounts have other tricks to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders. After all, this trick is quite practical and you only need one simple tool.

So, are you curious about the trick?

How to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders using 1 simple tool.

Before practicing the trick, first remove the regulator and the rubber seal that comes with the gas cylinder. After that, flush the gas cylinder hole with sufficient clean water.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

After that, prepare 1 block of wood. Yup, this wooden block is the simple tool needed to practice this trick to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders. Hit the gas cylinder hole with the wooden block.

"Conduct the beating until the water is calm and doesn't leak like gas is coming out again," said a home user of the Facebook Skill account, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (20/5).

Furthermore, when the water has calmed down, you can be sure that the LPG gas cylinder will no longer leak. Finally, just dry the gas cylinder and reinstall the rubber seal and gas regulator. The gas stove is ready to be used for cooking.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

How about it, it's easy, isn't it?

How to clean rust stains on LPG gas cylinders.

Cleaning rust stains on LPG gas cylinders requires careful steps so as not to damage the cylinder and maintain its safety. Here is how you can do it.

Materials and tools:
- Rubber gloves
- Face mask
- Duster
- Wire brush or fine sandpaper
- Oxalic acid, commercial rust remover, vinegar, or lemon juice
- Baking soda
- Clean water
- Anti-rust paint

Cleaning steps:
1. Wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from chemicals and rust dust.

2. Check the condition of the tube to ensure there are no leaks or other dangerous damage.

3. Dampen a rag with clean water and wipe the surface of the tube to remove dust and dirt.

4. Use a wire brush or fine sandpaper to scrub the rusty area. Rub gently until the rust starts to disappear. Be careful not to damage the surface of the tube.

5. Apply rust remover fluid according to the instructions on the packaging. If using vinegar or lemon juice, pour it directly on the rusty area and let it sit for a few minutes.

6. Scrub the area again with a wire brush or sandpaper after the rust remover reacts with the rust.

7. Rinse with clean water to remove remaining rust remover fluid. If using oxalic acid, rinse with a baking soda solution to neutralize the acid.

8. Wipe the tube dry with a clean cloth and make sure there is no water left behind.

9. Apply anti-rust paint to the area that has been cleaned to prevent rust from returning. Make sure the paint is completely dry before reusing the tube.

Additional tips:

- Perform cleaning in an open or well-ventilated area to avoid inhalation of harmful vapors.

- Avoid using very harsh chemicals that can damage the metal surface of the tube.

- Regularly check the gas cylinder to ensure that rust does not develop again.

With these steps, you can clean rust stains on LPG gas cylinders safely and effectively.

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