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30 November 2024 16:30

In less than 3 minutes, here's a quick way to clean dirt and crust on the stovetop in the kitchen

Don't let the crust build up, so it won't be difficult to clean. Brilio.net
In less than 3 minutes, here's a quick way to clean dirt and crust on the stovetop in the kitchen YouTube/trisnajayagas

Brilio.net - The kitchen is the room that is most susceptible to dirt compared to other rooms in the house. Cooking and storing food every day are the main causes of a dirty kitchen. This condition is increasingly complex when the kitchen also functions as a dining room so that it requires more intensive cleaning.

Routine kitchen cleaning does not always reach all areas, especially the corners of the kitchen counter and the area under the stove. Dirt and crust buildup from leftover cooking ingredients can occur if these areas are not cleaned thoroughly. These hard-to-reach areas require special attention in the cleaning process.

A social media user named Trisna shared a practical method for cleaning the stovetop in the kitchen. The cleaning method shared uses simple ingredients and can be done in a short time. The results of the cleaning method are able to restore the condition of the stovetop like new.

"So it doesn't take up to three minutes to clean the gas stove top. Maybe mothers at home can try it," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube trisnajayagas on Friday (11/29).

First, the stove must be moved first to make it easier to clean the table. Then, he made a liquid to clean the stove table. Pour enough water and dish soap in a bowl, then stir until mixed. Then he swept or cleaned the dried dirt first so that only the crust that was still stuck to the ceramic was left.

photo: YouTube/trisnajayagas

After that, Trisna took a piece of wire fiber which is usually used to wash kitchen furniture. After dipping the fiber in the soapy liquid, you can rub it directly on the crusty part of the kitchen table. Continue brushing until all the crust is no longer stuck.

photo: YouTube/trisnajayagas

If you feel that all the crust has been brushed, the kitchen table can be wiped using a dry and clean cloth or towel. After being cleaned in this way, the kitchen table will be shiny. After the ceramic table is completely dry, the stove can be returned to its original place.

photo: YouTube/trisnajayagas

So, after knowing how to clean the stove table in the kitchen easily like this, do you still want to leave it dirty and crusty? This upload on the YouTube account trisnajayagas has also attracted the attention of a number of netizens. This upload about cleaning the kitchen has been watched up to 2.4 thousand times.

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