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13 Juni 2024 02:00

How to make pastel caps, a simple snack that is suitable for sale

Snacks that can be served at formal and non-formal events. Nadhifah
How to make pastel caps, a simple snack that is suitable for sale foto: Instagram/@putriipermanaa

Brilio.net - Pastels have become one of the market snacks that would be a shame to miss. Apart from being delicious, pastel lids are also beautiful and suitable for sale.

The pastel lid filling can also be created according to taste. So that you don't fail, you can follow the recipe that BrilioFood has published on Instagram @putriipermanaa.

photo: Instagram/@putriipermanaa

Filling ingredients:
- 1/2 onion
- 250 gr chicken, boiled then chopped
- 250 gr potatoes
- 3 peeled carrots
- 25 gr grated cheese
- Sufficient powdered stock
- Salt to taste
- Sugar to taste
- 4 tablespoons powdered milk plus 500 gr water
- Margarine

Ground spices:
- 4 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

Topping ingredients:
- 400 potatoes
- 4 pieces of garlic
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1 egg
- 25 gr grated cheese
- Salt to taste

Additional ingredients:
- Parmesan cheese for topping
- 1 egg, beaten for brushing
- 5 eggs, boiled and cut thinly for additional filling

How to make:
1. Heat margarine, add onions and ground spices.
2. Then add the potatoes, diced carrots, chicken and grated cheese.
3. Then add the milk solution. Cook until cooked and dry.
4. Put the filling ingredients in the mold, add sliced boiled eggs, then add the topping ingredients to the top using a syringe.
5. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius until the top is brown.

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