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1 Maret 2024 07:00

How to choose kaffir lime leaves that smell fragrant and don't taste bitter, pay attention to the shape and color

If you want to use kaffir lime leaves when cooking, make sure you choose them carefully. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
How to choose kaffir lime leaves that smell fragrant and don't taste bitter, pay attention to the shape and color foto: YouTube/dwi exotic

Brilio.net - Using kaffir lime leaves for cooking is very common. This type of leaf spice is often used in various typical Indonesian dishes, such as soto, chili sauce, peanut brittle and basreng. Apart from flavoring, orange leaves are also often used to flavor food to make it more delicious.

However, not only do they have a delicious taste and aroma, kaffir lime leaves are also known for their many health benefits when consumed. Reporting from Healthline, kaffir lime leaves can reduce inflammation, speed up the healing process of canker sores, and maintain healthy hair. It's not surprising that many people like to add kaffir lime leaves to the dishes they make.

But you need to know that not all kaffir lime leaves have a fragrant aroma and delicious taste, you know. Some types of kaffir lime leaves have a bitter taste and the aroma is less fragrant. If added to cooking, it will certainly affect the overall taste and aroma.

If you want to use kaffir lime leaves when cooking, make sure you choose them carefully. Kaffir lime leaves with a fragrant aroma and non-bitter taste basically have their own characteristics. Well, a YouTube user dwi exotic once shared these characteristics for choosing kaffir lime leaves that are fragrant and not bitter.

Reported by BrilioFood on Friday (1/3), kaffir lime leaves are fragrant and not bitter and can be seen from their shape and color. In terms of shape, kaffir lime leaves which are fragrant and not bitter tend to be in the shape of a number 8 whose circles are almost the same size.

photo: YouTube/dwi exotic

If you find a kaffir lime leaf shaped like the number 8, but the circle is big on one side, it's best not to choose it. Likewise if there is a single kaffir lime leaf . These two forms of kaffir lime leaves indicate that the taste is bitter and the aroma is not fragrant.

photo: YouTube/dwi exotic

Apart from the shape, the color of kaffir lime leaves also influences their quality, you know. If you want a strong aroma and not a bitter taste, choose dark green kaffir lime leaves. Kaffir lime leaves like this usually give off a fresh aroma when they are torn. Meanwhile, light green kaffir lime leaves usually taste bitter and less fragrant.

photo: YouTube/dwi exotic

Not only that, quality kaffir lime leaves also tend to be fresher. The texture of the leaves is firm or does not wilt. Also avoid kaffir lime leaves that are brown or still soft because they are too young. That way, the cooking results will be tastier and more aromatic.

This post about how to choose kaffir lime leaves suddenly attracted the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users would also join in the comments column. Most of these netizens expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

Benefits of orange leaves for beauty.

Orange leaves also have a number of benefits that are good for skin and hair beauty. You can use fresh lime leaves or their juice in various natural beauty products or household treatments. Here are some of the main benefits:

1. Brightens the skin.

The vitamin C content in orange leaves helps brighten the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation.

2. Reduces acne.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of lime leaves help reduce acne and inflammation on the skin.

3. Refreshes the skin.

Using orange leaf juice as a toner can have a refreshing effect on the skin.

4. Reduce excess oil.

Orange leaves can help control excess oil production in the skin, reduce excess shine, and prevent blackheads.

5. Tightens the skin.

The nutritional content in orange leaves helps tighten the skin and reduce signs of aging.

6. Reduces dark circles.

The antioxidant content in orange leaves can help reduce dark circles and swelling around the eyes.

7. Reduces fine lines.

Orange leaves contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

8. Moisturizes the skin.

Mixing orange leaf juice with other ingredients can provide extra moisture to the skin.

9. Healthy hair.

Orange leaves are also good for hair health, helping reduce dandruff and giving it a natural shine.

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