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9 September 2024 23:00

How to care for basil plants so that the leaves are thick with 1 kitchen ingredient with a capital of Rp. 0

Basil is easy to grow through a variety of methods, such as planting seedlings, stem cuttings, or by sowing seeds. Agustin Wahyuningsih
How to care for basil plants so that the leaves are thick with 1 kitchen ingredient with a capital of Rp. 0 foto: YouTube/Hijrah Berkebun

Brilio.net - Basil is often enjoyed as a side dish with dishes such as pecel lele, fried chicken, or grilled chicken. In addition, basil leaves are also often used in various dishes, such as woku chicken, various sambals, pepes, or grilled rice. Adding basil leaves to dishes can provide a more fragrant and appetizing aroma.

You can get basil leaves in traditional markets or supermarkets. However, many people also choose to grow it themselves at home, so they can be picked immediately when needed.

Basil is easy to grow using a variety of methods, such as planting seeds, stem cuttings, or by sowing seeds obtained from the flowers.

Once the basil plant has grown, it is important to care for it regularly so that it can produce lots of leaves.

A netizen from the YouTube account Hijrah Berkebun shared an easy and economical way to care for basil plants. This trick is perfect for beginners who want to care for basil plants in their yard.

"Let's plant it yourself at home, it's easy to plant basil leaves. Today I uploaded a video on how to plant basil leaves at home so that it produces lots of branches and leaves to harvest," he said, quoted from YouTube Hijrah Berkebun on Monday (9/9).

Once your basil plant has grown to the height of your thumb, you can start cutting the tops. YouTube account owner Hijrah Berkebun says that cutting the tops of basil can help the plant produce many branches.

In addition, if the basil plant has started to flower, the flowers should be cut so that the leaves and flowers do not compete for nutrients. Because, the part that will be harvested from this basil plant is the leaves. The cut flowers can later be used for seeds to be replanted.

photo: YouTube/Hijrah Gardening

For its nutrition, basil plants can be given any type of fertilizer. However, YouTube user Hijrah Berkebun prefers a fertilizer that is free of charge, namely rice washing water. This rice washing water can be given routinely once a week. In addition, to provide nutritional variation, he also often replaces rice water with fertilizer from animal manure.

photo: YouTube/Hijrah Gardening

How, isn't it very easy to care for basil plants? Looking at the comments column on the YouTube upload Hijrah Berkebun which has been watched 4,000 times, many netizens are enthusiastic about this content.

"I planted basil from seeds until they grew in a pot, is that okay?" asked the YouTube account @savepalestine5310, who answered, "If it's just for personal consumption, it's okay, but the growth won't be uniform. My suggestion is that one pot or polybag should not be planted with too many seeds. Don't forget to fertilize once a week with fertilizer that contains a lot of nitrogen nutrients such as urea," replied the video owner.

"I plant in a pot but it always fails, the leaves always curl even though I always water it with rice washing water. Why is that?" asked YouTube @taufikali6266.

And the answer is, "Curly leaves are usually caused by aphids that stick to the underside of the leaves, spray with pesticide once a week in the afternoon."

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