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19 Juni 2024 01:00

Homemade cassava gethuk recipe, soft and super legit

Food made from cassava is usually easy to find in Central Java and East Java. Nadhifah
Homemade cassava gethuk recipe, soft and super legit foto: Instagram/@mrs.wijaya

Brilio.net - Gethuk is often served as an accompaniment to a glass of tea or coffee . Food made from cassava is usually easy to find in Central Java and East Java.

Instead of buying it outside, you can make your own gethuk at home. So that the results are soft and super legit, take a peek at the recipe that BrilioFood has published on Instagram @mrs.wijaya.

photo: Instagram/@mrs.wijaya

- 1 1/2 kg peeled cassava
- 250 gr Javanese sugar
- 1 tsp salt

Sprinkling ingredients:
- 1 small, half-old coconut, grated
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 pandan leaves cut into pieces

How to make:
1. Wash cassava, remove the central axis, cut into small pieces, then steam until cooked.
2. In a container, add the still hot cassava, Javanese sugar, salt, then mash until smooth and evenly mixed.
3. Prepare a cake mold or tray that has been smeared with vegetable oil, press the getuk until it is solid.
4. Serve sprinkled with grated coconut which has been mixed together and steamed for 10 minutes.

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