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29 Agustus 2024 03:00

Don't rush to buy new ones, here's a simple way to fix broken sandals using 1 kitchen tool.

It won't come off, it's very strong~ Shahfara Raida
Don't rush to buy new ones, here's a simple way to fix broken sandals using 1 kitchen tool. YouTube/IDE KREATIF

Brilio.net - Flip-flops that have been used many times are indeed easy to break. Many people choose to replace sandals with new ones, so the old sandals are thrown away. In fact, you don't need to rush to buy new ones if you know the trick to repairing broken sandals , you know.

There are many tricks for fixing broken sandals circulating on social media. One of them was shared by a YouTube account user IDE KREATIF. This man explained that the trick for fixing broken sandals is very simple, because one of the tools can be found in the kitchen.


So, the kitchen tool in question is the used rubber seal from the LPG gas cylinder hole cover. Cut the rubber seal into two parts, so that the shape becomes thinner. In addition, prepare used cigarette butts.


Well, the used cigarettes are not all used, yes. You just take the filter part. Then, tear the cigarette filter into small pieces.


Next, take the broken sandal. Insert the tip of the broken sandal into the prepared rubber seal. Once done, fill the empty spaces around the rubber seal with torn cigarette filters. You can use a nail or other sharp tool to tidy up the cigarette filter.


After that, to make the sandals stronger and not break again, add glue to the part of the sandals that has been repaired. The owner of the YouTube account IDE KREATIF uses G glue or often known as Korean glue. Then, let it sit for a while until the glue dries.

The man on the YouTube account IDE KREATIF then showed the condition of his sandals that had been repaired. Even though they had been pulled, his sandals were no longer at risk of coming off or breaking.

"The results are very solid, we pull it like this, it won't come off, it's very strong," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube IDE KREATIF on Wednesday (28/8).

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