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25 Desember 2024 12:30

Don't just grate it, this is how to grate coconut so that the coconut milk is thick and abundant.

Sometimes, after just two squeezes, the coconut milk becomes liquid and the resulting juice is less. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Don't just grate it, this is how to grate coconut so that the coconut milk is thick and abundant. TikTok/@chefterabalabal

Brilio.net - Coconut milk from old coconuts is a basic ingredient that is often used in various culinary preparations. Old coconuts are chosen because their hard flesh contains more coconut milk. The process of making coconut milk is done by grating the coconut flesh and then squeezing it until it produces a thick liquid that is ready to be processed into various dishes.

Although instant coconut milk is easily found in the market, some people prefer to make fresh coconut milk from grated coconut. The use of fresh coconut milk is believed to be able to produce a more savory and delicious taste in cooking. The aroma and texture of fresh coconut milk also provide a different quality compared to instant coconut milk.

Making coconut milk manually seems simple, but it requires special techniques to produce thick and abundant coconut milk. Many people have difficulty getting optimal results when squeezing coconut milk, even after two squeezes the results have started to runny. Knowledge of special techniques in squeezing coconut milk is the key to getting maximum results.

To solve this problem, you can imitate the coconut grating trick as shared by TikTok user @chefterabalabal. This content creator who often shares cooking tips has also shared a trick for grating coconut so that the coconut milk is abundant. Not only that, the method used can also make the coconut milk clean and thick, you know.

As reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (12/24), the first thing to do is to choose a good and quality coconut. If you want to use it for coconut milk, you should choose a coconut that is almost old. The condition of the coconut fruit like this usually chooses harder flesh and a lot of water content.

photo: TikTok/@chefterabalabal

Next, clean the coconut and its skin. Beforehand, it is important to know that old coconuts have brown skin on the outside. Generally, this skin will be peeled off to produce white and clean coconut milk.

However, it is different from the trick from TikTok user @chefterabalabal. He chose not to peel the coconut skin. But to make it cleaner, just rub the skin using sandpaper under running water so that the coconut can be clean.

photo: TikTok/@chefterabalabal

"Don't scrape (peel) the coconut. Because the coconut milk is mostly found in the skin of the coconut. It would be a shame to waste it," explained TikTok @chefterabalabal.

Furthermore, the TikTok user explained that unpeeled coconuts usually produce brown and dirty coconut milk. While if peeled, the amount of coconut milk can be reduced. Therefore, he chose to clean the skin using sandpaper so that it is not dirty and the coconut milk remains abundant.

After rubbing with sandpaper, wash the coconut thoroughly under running water. Then grate the coconut. To make it faster, you can grate it using an automatic grater.

photo: TikTok/@chefterabalabal

Once grated, mix the coconut with water. In the video, TikTok user @chefterabalabal uses 2 liters of water to squeeze the grated coconut from 3 coconuts. After squeezing it up to 5 times, he can get 1.2 liters of thick coconut milk and 2 liters of liquid coconut milk. That's a lot, right?

"The coconut milk produced is also white, there is no brown sediment. So this is very suitable if you want to make uduk rice or make cakes with coconut milk, no need to worry about the coconut milk being brown or dull," he explained further.

photo: TikTok/@chefterabalabal

Having been watched more than 202 thousand times, this video immediately caught the attention of TikTok netizens. Many of them even gave various responses directly in the comments column. Some of these netizens admitted that the trick had indeed been proven to be effective in producing thick and abundant coconut milk. On the other hand, there were also those who expressed their gratitude for getting new, useful knowledge.

"I have tested the scales and the coconut milk, but the ones that are scraped clean after squeezing twice are already runny, while the ones that are not scraped 3 times are still thick," said TikTok user @loesiapah.

"My late mother, who is from Bangka, was right and didn't like it when the brown skin was thrown away when grated, and a lot of coconut milk was thrown away, so I was told to grate it manually," explained TikTok @ruslicahya2.

"Thank you for the tips," said TikTok @nanatan2020.

"Thanks for the tips," said TikTok @yatiaiza0.

"ready bro, I'll try it, thanks for the info bro," said TikTok @dedekoswara363.

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